14 2 3

Evie sat on the couch in the dark of her apartment. Her phone in hand. Her thumb hovering the button. She had been debating whether she should call Dr. Stanley Burke or not. Betty was in bed, fast asleep, so, she hadn't bothered asking her roommate for advice. She knew for sure that she was overthinking it but she didn't know what he wanted, or even who he was aside from his name. 

Finally with a sigh, she pushed the button and brought the phone to her ear. It rang for a few moments. To the point where she was sure he wasn't going to answer. 

"Hello?" a voice spoke on the other line. She let out a breath of relief.

"Hi, is this Dr. Burke?" she questioned. 

"Yes, it is. Who am I speaking to?" he replied. 

"Evie Cox. You came by my place the other day and left a card." Evie spoke. He paused. 

"Evie. Yes, I've been waiting your call." he stated. 

"Well, I don't mean to be rude but it's late and I'd appreciate it if we could just cut to the chase." Evie told him. 

"I believe I have some work that you may be interested in." he told her. 

"Oh, that's awfully kind of you, sir. But I already have a job." she spoke politely. 

"It involves your mother."

She froze for a second. A billion thoughts racing through her skull. She was sure that her head was gonna explode. 

"My mother's been dead for twenty years, sir." Evie told him as her heart rate picked up. 

"She was killed by Condor when you were fourteen, yes, I know." he replied. Her throat dried. 

"I-I'm sorry, sir, but I'm not interested." she told him politely again. 

"Evie, you've done some pretty horrid things in your lifetime. Revenge isn't going to be at the top of that list." Dr. Burke stated. 

"Look man, I'm just a normal girl. I don't know what you're going on about. I just wanna live my life in peace." Evie defended. 

"Evie, right now, you're probably doing what you do every night. Sit up on the couch because you can't sleep. I know you well enough to say that it is not a guilty conscience that keeps you up either," he spoke. Evie stood up and rushed to the window. She couldn't see anyone but that didn't mean a single thing. 

"I don't know what kind of sick game you're playing but I'm done." Evie stated.

"No game, Evie. Just truth in a world of lies." he spoke. Evie swallowed the lump in her throat. 

"I'm going to hang up now." 

"Very well. Just remember; These violent delights have violent ends. It's time for you to decide which side you're going to be on." Stanley told her. She hung up. Still staring out of the window. Looking for anything that could point out the obvious. 

She was being watched and she had been for a long time. 


Yay!!! Two chapters out before eleven-thirty! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. 

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Have an amazing night!!!

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