The Black Phoenix and The Red Veteran stood next to each other in the center. On either side of them, Fantasia and The Owl stood. They were waiting for their visitors, albeit unwillingly. They feigned happiness as two of America's treasures walked in. The woman wearing the colors that mirrored the flag. Her upper body was covered in armor, colored a deep, blood red and a skirt with white stars and a blue background. The bronze headband on top of her head shined against her blonde hair. 

The man was quite different. The colors of his suit were maroon, navy blue and grey. He wore no cape. But somehow, he still managed to look like one of the good guys. 

But there they were, Omen and Condor respectively. They stood in front of the group of four. They appeared to be examining the team like they were amateurs. 

Black Phoenix stepped forward and held her hand out toward them. 

"Welcome to Slifshire." she spoke. Omen shook her hand. 

"It's good to be here," Omen stated. Her long blonde hair falling over her shoulders. Black Phoenix glanced to Condor. He was tall, taller than Red Veteran was and that made Black Phoenix look considerably small. 

"Condor, it's great to finally meet you." Black Phoenix spoke and she held her hand out toward him. He smiled down at her, it made her feel sick to her stomach. 

"Please, Condor's just work, call me Nick." he beamed. Black Phoenix thought she was gonna break her teeth from grinding them together. 

"Fine." she replied, still holding her hand out from him to shake. 

"Oh, I give hugs." he told her. She heard snickering in the background but she didn't find it funny at all. 

"I don't." 

He nodded. Black Phoenix turned away from them. 

"I assume you both know Red Veteran, these are my other teammates, Fantasia and Owl." she introduced. 

"And none of us hug," Fantasia cut in.  

"Ever." Owl added. Condor nodded. They were all silent for a while. No one exactly what to say. It felt like seeing your ex for the first time after a breakup. 

"Back in New York, you're all legends." Nick told them. Black Phoenix laughed. 

"No, we're not. That's bullshit." 

"It's true. The Red Veteran is considered America's greatest hero in history. The man who saved an entire country and Black Phoenix, you're escapades are... well, they're like something you read out of a book. Fantasia and the Owl, we see kids dressed up as you all the time. You guys are like gods." Omen spoke up. Red Veteran crossed his arms at the mention of his name and heroics. Fantasia and Owl smiled. While Black Phoenix clenched her jaw slightly. Flattery and charms weren't things that worked on the war hero and vigilante. The clicking of heels could be heard and Caitlyn was spotted striding toward them.

"Fantasia, Owl, crime stats want to see you." Caitlyn told them. Owl and Fantasia nodded and left the group alone. Caitlyn had a smile on her face. 

"I'm glad to see that you're all getting along." she continued. Phoenix cleared her throat slightly. 

"Yeah, we're great." 

Caitlyn's grin grew. "Well, we don't have anything for you to team up on yet, sadly. For now, you and Veteran can show these two around." 

Black Phoenix was about to shoot her mouth off when Red Veteran intervened. Who knows what would've happened if he hadn't. 

"Sounds great." he spoke. Caitlyn was practically giddy at the sound of that. 

"Alright then, I'll leave you to it." With that she was gone. Leaving the four supes to go on a tour. 


The tour wasn't fun. Red Veteran did most of the talking, he acted polite even though he wanted to call them out for being so fake. Omen wasn't half bad in Phoenix's opinion, it was Condor she had the problem with. They had almost finished the tour, almost back to where they started. 

"That's it." Red Veteran finished walking in front of the two New York heroes with Black Phoenix beside him. 

"It's truly amazing. Much different than back home." Condor spoke. Black Phoenix inhaled deeply and Red Veteran took notice of that. 

"Yeah, I'll bet."

"So, are you guys a couple or something?" Omen questioned. That made Black Phoenix stop dead in her tracks. It wasn't that they were or anything like that. It was just an odd question, nobody would consider that thought, Red Veteran and Black Phoenix didn't give off that kind of vibe. 

"No, we're not. He's like a century older than me." 

Red Veteran cleared his throat and scratched his slightly bearded jaw. "Half a century."

 "Sorry. I mean, he's not my type." Black Phoenix corrected. The reaction timing was awkward, it came out too quick and sounded like a defense and it would've been physically impossible to hide it. Omen nodded, as did Condor.  

A beep sounded through the room and Condor looked down at one of his gauntlets. 

"We have to go. It was great meeting you guys." Condor spoke. 

"No, the honor was ours." Black Phoenix told them. The New York duo left. Red Veteran was looking at her with his arms crossed. 

"A century?" he questioned. She shrugged. 

"I said I was sorry." 

He chuckled slightly. "Oh, you did. But, I believe you ended it with not your type." 

Black Phoenix rolled her eyes. "Maybe you're not." 

"Tell that to Maestro." he teased. She cast him a glare. 

"I think I'm demoting you back to acquaintance just for that." 

"Phoenix! Vet! two hundred forty second street. Hostage situation." a man called. 


Hello, again!!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I was really excited to write it, I usually hate drama and I typically have nothing to do with it, so, trying to create the struggle that Phoenix would've been feeling to keep herself from attacking Condor wasn't an easy task but yay!! I did it!!! I seriously hope you like this chapter. I'd love to hear your opinions, so please comment and vote. 

Thank you for reading!!!! 

I am also really sorry but I can't get two chapters out again tonight. Anyway, have a nice night. 

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