Evie had a ton of messages from Betty. Apparently, Puma accidently killed a citizen. Supposedly this citizen was in the way. It wasn't like this was news though. It happened once or twice a year and every time like clockwork, Betty was overly disturbed by it. She still had the notion that all heroes were good. 

Well, not all of them. She had a certain distaste for the Black Phoenix, Red Veteran, Fantasia and Owl. Betty deemed their ways too brutal, that they were too powerful. Evie made the argument that Condor, Omen, Puma and Gecko were much more powerful and committed worse atrocities than pretty much any other living thing on the planet. 

"Evie, oh my god. I can't believe what just happened. These people are so stupid. They just keep getting in the way of the heroes. It's ridiculous--

Evie sighed and skipped to the next message. 

"I mean, I'm not saying that what Black Phoenix and the others do is right but at least nobody innocent dies in the process. Maybe scaring people away is what really keeps them alive."

She skipped to the next message. 

"Okay, I take it all back. They just found a cargo ship, everyone on board was killed. I don't care if these people stole a bio-weapon or not, they shouldn't have been slaughtered like this. Three of them were just puddles of blood, guts and bones. It's disgusting. I can't believe that these people haven't been arrested."

Evie sighed again as she walked down the street and skipped to the next message. 

"Hey, some guy came by earlier. He said his name was Stanley Burke. He's a doctor or something, anyway, he came by here looking for you. He left a card, I had to leave but I left it on the counter for you."

"You have no more messages. If you'd like to hear them again, please press--"

For some reason, the name Stanley Burke sounded familiar to her. She couldn't place where, but it did. She thought about it the entire way back to her crappy little apartment. Dr. Stanley Burke, if Betty was right and he was a doctor.

Even after she got home, she thought about it. Betty wouldn't be home until after six and that left three hours to kill. 

She did what pretty much any other superhuman being would do when their roommate wasn't home. 

She started doing what could be described as touch up to her weapons, even going as far as to wash the blood out of her suit which only took two hours out of her time, after that she continued to read the book from this morning. 

It was her favorite book. She'd read it over and over and over again. The Chronicles of Narnia. Evie claimed it was the best thing created since time, but Betty disagreed and said Harry Potter was better. Then again, Betty disagreed with pretty much everybody. 

Betty was a strange girl. She died her hair in a mixture of purple, blue and green. She didn't wear heavy makeup or anything like that. Betty was simply unlike other people, at least anyone that Evie had met. Evie considered Betty to be her best friend, Betty would never know everything about Evie and Evie would never know everything about Betty, but the two women were friends and had bene since Betty was in college studying music. 

So, when Betty came home and found Evie in the same place that she'd left her, there was no surprise. Just a casual hey before going to her room, changing and coming out and sitting on the couch next to Evie's feet. 

"How was your day?" Betty questioned. 

"Oh you know, the usual." Evie casually responded. Betty nodded. 

"I was on my way to see a client and I saw you at the park with some guy." 

Evie turned the page. "Why are you concerned?" 

"Concerned? God no. I'm just glad you're finally getting out there after the last guy." Betty spoke. Evie rolled her eyes. 

"Chris wasn't that bad." 

"He took a shit in our fridge." Betty stated. Evie sighed. 

"In fairness, I had just told him that I wasn't ready to have crazy in my life." 

"Anyway, who's the new guy?" Betty asked. Evie took a deep breath and turned the page again. 

"Why do you care?" 

"Evie's new toy was insanely gorgeous. It makes me wonder where he came from." Betty grinned. Evie rolled her eyes and closed her book before setting it on the coffee table and sitting up. 

"He's not my toy. He's just an old friend that I ran into." Evie told her. Another mischievous grin made it's onto Betty's face. 

"A friend friend or a friend." 

"You're such a pervert." Evie grumbled as she stood up and walked into the kitchen, toward the coffee maker. Betty laughed. 

"Come on, if I was hanging out with a guy like that wouldn't you be curious?" 

"Well, yes, but my curiosity would only ask questions like, why Betty's with a seemingly normal person." Evie quipped. 

"Ha, ha. Seriously, though. I need to know more about him." Betty spoke. Evie sighed as she took a sip of her coffee. 

"Fine. His name is Alex. I used to go to school with him, I ran into him when he was on his way to work the other day and we agreed to meet up for old times sake, it's no big deal." Evie lied. It was easy for her now. It was like riding a bike or breathing. 

"He's a nice guy, isn't he?" Betty inquired. Evie hummed and nodded. 

"Oh yeah. He's probably the nicest person you'll ever meet." Evie replied. That was probably the only thing that had come out of Evie's mouth the entire night that had been true.


I finally got two chapters out in one nigh!!!! Yay!!!!! I'm so psyched that I got to write more about Betty. I didn't think I was going to at first. I thought I was just going to make it mainly about the 'heroes' and the real heroes but I decided to change that a little bit because you can't be too close minded when it comes to writing a book like this. 

Btw, the trailer was just a bunch of random things on the internet mixed together. I had no real intention behind the trailer other than I was bored and needed to do something to fill the time. 

Any who, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!!!! Have a great night!!!!!

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