13 2 0

Black Phoenix and Red Veteran were at Three Forty-Two, Hazlehurst Avenue. It was just a burnt up orphanage that'd been abandoned for years. It was a place that Black Phoenix knew would be vacant. Andre was taking longer than expected. 

His tardiness angered BP to no end but for a change she kept her temper check. 

"Calm down. He'll be here soon." Red Veteran spoke. 

"For all we know, he ratted us out." Black Phoenix pointed out. Red Veteran rolled his eyes. 

"Nah, he wouldn't. Every time anyone asked him what his problem was, he got all defensive and weird and then surprisingly nasty." Red Veteran told her. 

"Andre's a weird guy apparently." 

Black Phoenix straightened up when she saw headlights. The car was a 2003 Mazda and it didn't look new at all. The car stopped a few feet away from them. 

Andre got out with the yellow file in hand. As he approached Black Phoenix, RV caught his eye. 

"What is he doing here? You said it'd just be us." Andre spoke. 

"That's none of your business and no I didn't." she told him. He shakily handed her the file. She took it. 

It was quiet for a moment as Black Phoenix made sure that they were real. 

"So, am I getting something in return?" Andre asked. Black Phoenix looked up at him. 

"You get to live in return." she told him. He nodded. 

"Yeah, okay. I hope to see you people never again." he stated before going back to his car and leaving. 

Full Name: Stanley Lee Burke

Born: January 7th, 1970 

Status: Unknown/missing 

Occupation: Scientist at McPherson Enterprises 

Last known location: McPherson Enterprises, Slifshire

Date of disappearance: December 10th, 1989 


Dr. Stanley Burke was last seen leaving McPherson Enterprises in Slifshire. It was just hours after he quit abruptly for reasons unknown though earlier that day there had been a chemical spill. We don't know where he was going though, it is believed that he was going home when his car broke down. We found it on Route 66 two months after his disappearance. There were traces of poisons, blood and radiation. I believe that somehow McPherson Enterprises was responsible for his disappearance. When the car was found, there was a copy of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet on the passenger seat. We couldn't find any prints on the car, forensics said that it was cleaned up by a professional who knew what he was doing.  

Both Black Phoenix and Red Veteran read the file. There were countless other pages like it along with crime scene photos and photos from before he went missing. 

"He worked for the company thirty years ago. What would he want with you?" Red Veteran asked. 

"I don't know. I don't even know how he knows about my mom. I don't know much of anything right now." Black Phoenix spoke. Red Veteran sighed. 

"The guy's a dead end. What do we do next?" 

Black Phoenix paused before pulling her phone out a pocket on her suit and taking a picture of one of the photos of Stanley Burke. 

Is this the guy that came by the other day?

They waited for a reply. The moments that it took felt like so long to the two vigilantes. 


Black Phoenix put her phone back in her pocket and looked up at RV. 

"He's the guy that Betty saw, so at least we know it's him and not some imposter." she spoke. 

"Okay, but we still have no leads." Red Veteran pointed out. 

"These Violent Delights have violent ends." she recited. 

"Have you ever heard of that before?" Black Phoenix questioned. Red Veteran shook his head. 

"It sounds familiar but no, I don't think I've heard it before. Why?" 

"It's what he said before I hung up. His exact words were 'These Violent Delights have violent ends. It's time for you to decide which side you're going to be on'." Black Phoenix told him. 

"He's trying to take McPherson down and he wants you to help him." Red Veteran concluded. Black Phoenix paused. 

"Why would he want to do that?"

"It says right here that the night he disappeared he quit abruptly. Maybe, he wants revenge for whatever they did to make him quit." Red Veteran suggested. Black Phoenix nodded. 

"That seems plausible. Now we just have to find him." 

"That's where my ideas come to an end," Red Veteran spoke. Black Phoenix huffed. But like before, there was a shift in her mind and she knew the answer. 

"The old theatre. He's at the old theatre where they used to re-enact Shakespeare plays." she spoke. 

"The theatre? Really?" 

"He had a book of it. He was obviously a fan and it's the only habitable place in town that nobody gives a damn about anymore." 


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! I don't have much to say right now. 

Comment and vote please!!! 

Have a great night!!!!

Thank you for reading!!!

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