For once, Black Phoenix was in a good mood. I mean not that anyone could actually tell much since the upper half of her face was covered, but she still always had that frown. She literally had no expression, sometimes she did but it was usually followed by a fit of justifiable rage.

Seeing her standing on the edge of a building wasn't a change from usual either. Sometimes her teammates wondered if she would jump and she almost always did, but not for the reasons they were thinking. But seeing her standing on the edge of a building without the signature frown and a peaceful look was totally uncharacteristic. 

Red Veteran wasn't alarmed. He knew her better than the other two did by a longshot. He was however unaware of the suspicion that Owl and Fantasia had directed at them. 

"BP. What's going on?" Owl called. Black Phoenix turned around, she was smiling now, with a duffel bag in her hand. 

"Tell me, kids. What's the one thing in the whole world that makes you curious?" Black Phoenix asked. The first part of her sentence was a joke which put even more caution to the already cautious Fantasia and Owl. 

"Your identities." Fantasia replied. Black Phoenix shook her head. 

"Nah, it goes way deeper than that." 

At this point even Red Veteran was curious. He didn't say anything though. He just watched as his teammates struggled to find the answer. For a couple minutes, the duo was quiet in thought. 

"Okay! I give up!" Owl told her. Fantasia let out a sigh. 

"Me too."

Black Phoenix let out a disappointed sigh. 

"Your origins." she spoke, tossing the bag on the ground. 

"How are our identities and origins different?" Fantasia questioned. Red Veteran crossed his arms. 

"An identity is who you are or a thing that makes you yourself and an origin is a backstory." Red Veteran spoke. Black Phoenix motioned to Red Veteran with her gloved hand. 

"He gets it." 

Fantasia shook her head in disbelief. She was beginning to regret coming to these things. 

"What does that have to do with anything?" 

"What was the pact, Fantasia?" Black Phoenix inquired. 

"None of us know each other's identities unless it is absolutely necessary and everyone's on board." Fantasia answered. 

"I'm not a genius, hell, the only person close to being one that I know of is Red Veteran and that's just cause he's like one hundred." Black Phoenix spoke. Red Veteran rolled his eyes. 

"I'm still not that old." 

Black Phoenix waved him off. 

"And your point is?" Owl pushed. The smirk returned to her face. 

"Any sane person can see that the failsafe protocol's coming up soon. The city's going to shit. I figure that we should know small details about each other. Like, our origins." Black Phoenix told them. 

"That's a pretty big detail, BP." Fantasia stated. 

"It's not identity compromising if we change all the names or never mention one." Black Phoenix spoke. Fantasia took a deep breath. 

"Hell, I'm in." Owl volunteered. Fantasia turned her head toward him. 

"It's stupid and somebody's going to make a mistake and compromise their identity." Fantasia pointed out. Owl shrugged. 

"I never said it wasn't fucking crazy." 

"Watch your mouth, man." Red Veteran sighed. He was a very chivalric man and back in his day, you didn't use that kind of language in front of a woman let alone two.  

"Are you in, RV?" 

He paused and sighed again. 

"I got nothing better to do, so sure." 

Then they all looked to Fantasia who had yet to reveal her place in it. She bit her nail nervously before catching everyone's gazes. 

"Fine. Whatever." she grumbled. 

"Alright. Let's get a move on though, I did sort of tell Caitlyn that we'd be keeping an eye out for things." Black Phoenix spoke. 

"What's the bag for?" Owl asked. 

"I took a couple gangs out on my way here." she shrugged before jumping off the edge of the building to no one's surprise. 


I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!! I'm sorry that I haven't gotten any out in the last few days, I've been swamped. I'm gonna try and get another chapter out tonight. Fingers crossed!!! 

Thank you so much for reading this book. I thought it was gonna be like a lot of my other books and just forgotten. Like, I wrote a book about secret agents and I've gotten next to nothing on that, so I'm super happy that somebody's reading this!!!! 

Please, vote and comment below!!!!!!

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