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"Your turn," 

Fantasia huffed. "Why can't I go last?" 

"Because you're the most powerful person here and I'm curious." Black Phoenix spoke. Fantasia, as frustrated with the events as she was rolled her eyes before succumbing to the pressure. 

"Fine. My mom and dad were flat broke and McPherson Enterprises offered them hard cash if they'd allow me to be injected." Fantasia told them. 

"That's brutal." Owl spoke. They were all quiet but kept moving nonetheless. Black Phoenix misunderstood the girl throughout the years and suddenly felt feelings of pity toward the girl. 

"This is why I wanted to go last. Owl, start talking." Fantasia grumbled. Her green eyes full of frustration. 

"I don't really know the story. McPherson representatives dropped me off at the orphanage like they'd done with countless others." Owl told them. 

"So, you're an orphan?" Red Veteran and Black Phoenix inquired in unison. 

"Uhh yeah, I am." Owl replied, shaking off the feeling he got when they spoke in unison. 

"We got a problem." Fantasia interrupted. 

"What kind of problem?" 

"Spine. He's back in town." Fantasia stated. Black Phoenix not believing her, stepped on the edge to look and surely enough there the man in question stood. Just inside the alleyway. 

"I thought they were down in New York," Owl spoke. Black Phoenix let out a breath. 

"We gotta take him down." Black Phoenix stated. 

"Are you insane?" 


"Condor's the most powerful person in the world and somehow this guy managed to take him down a notch." Fantasia pointed out. 

"There's four of us and one of him. Besides, Condor went in with no backup and a plan." Red Veteran spoke. Owl and Fantasia's jaws dropped. 

"Plans are what keep people alive." Owl stated. 

"Not with these people. There's no plan, no coordination in attack. They simply do whatever the hell they want." Black Phoenix informed them. Fantasia and Owl huffed. 

"So, what's your advice to these two highly unsure of your ridiculous plan people?" 

"Don't die and do whatever the hell you want." Red Veteran and Black Phoenix spoke in unison again. 

"Great, thank you so much." 


Spine stood with his back to the wall. Smoking the cigarette. He knew that he was being watched. He may not have been able to see them but Poison warned him when they came into town. He told the entire team that the heroes in the city were dangerous and aggressive. One of them in particular. He was told what to do should they see him and he was gonna follow those orders whether he liked it or not. 

He pushed himself off the wall and walked deeper into the alleyway. Didn't look around, he stayed calm and casual. 

He only stopped when he heard the footsteps behind him. The sound of a hundred and seventy pounds of flesh, muscle and bone landing on the fire escape next to him. The crumbling of rock in front of him. The sight of glowing green on the other side of him. He was surrounded sure but he was far from trapped. 

"I've heard more stories about you lot in a day than I've heard of me own mum in a lifetime," he spoke. 

"Sounds like you got some mommy issues." Black Phoenix remarked. He heard the snickering of her teammates. 

"Mock me, sweetheart, but you ain't getting what you want from me." Spine stated. His accent dripping over every word. 

"And what do I want?" she questioned. 

"A fight," 

She laughed. "I already got a fight tonight. Sorry to disappoint you." 

He turned to face her. In comparison, she was considerably small. He was like Jupiter and she was like Mercury. 

"I ain't disappointed, love. I ain't in the mood for a fight anyways." he stated. 

"I never said I wasn't going to fight you." Black Phoenix spoke. Spine sighed. 

"We ain't the bad guys and from what I hear you lot ain't nothing of the sort." Spine told them. 

"You and your team have been sabotaging every hero in the country. You're terrorists and traitors. Exactly the type of people we kill." Black Phoenix argued. 

"Your heroes ain't heroes." 

"No shit, Sherlock." Black Phoenix stated. 

"You lot are the last ones and pretty soon, you ain't gonna be a team no more." Spine informed them. 

"When does the shit stop coming out of your mouth?" 

"Why do you think Condor and Omen came here?" Spine countered. 

"They were interested in how we work." Black Phoenix replied. Spine laughed. 

"Sorry to burst your bubble, mate, but they ain't interested in how you work. They wanna figure out how to separate you. Starting with the strongest." 

Black Phoenix stared at him blankly with a set jaw. 

"Perhaps, I've had a change of heart." 

Spine raised a thick brow. "Did you now?" 

She hummed and stepped forward, toward him. He didn't take into account that Owl had moved from behind him. He only kept his gaze trained on her until she was right in front of him. 

And she used her powers. The Cry of the phoenix. People would be running to their homes, locking their doors, closing the curtains, hiding under their beds. 

Spine however had no time to do any of that. He landed on the ground a few feet back, blood dripping from his ears. 

"Tell your boss that if he fucks with us, in our city, he's as good as dead." she spoke. 

They left him there on the ground. They walked away from him as if he was nothing. To them, he was nothing but a waste of space.


Hello!! I'm sorry this chapter is soo late, I'm gonna get working on the next one now. I created a playlist for the book, the link is below. I spent some serious time on that when I was also trying to find ideas today. 


Also, if you could, please comment who your favorite character is. I'd really like to know. 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and in case I don't get another chapter out tonight, have an amazing night or day depending on when you're reading this!!!! 

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