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Evie walked down the busy New York street next to Stanley. She was glad to be outside. During daylight hours especially. She wasn't gonna lie though, she was curious as to what this lead was and what exactly it was for. She was just waiting patiently for the answers. 

"Here," he spoke holding out a badge for her to grab. She took it with a smile. 

"Awesome." she breathed. It looked authentic. Knowing Stanley, it probably was authentic. 

"Why is it awesome?" he asked her. She shrugged. 

"You only really see this kind of stuff on tv. Besides, now,  I can kick down a door and yell NYPD Red freeze." she smiled. He paused, casting her an odd look. 

"It's a James Patterson novel." she told him. He nodded. 

"I know." he stated. 

"People only look at me like that when I say something odd. Did I say something weird?" she asked. He shook his head. 

"No, not at all. You just, you remind me of your mother." he answered. She cast her gaze away. 

"You knew her pretty well, huh?" 

He nodded. 

"Yes. I did." he spoke. 

"Do you, did she ever tell you who my father was?" Evie questioned. She was hoping for an answer that she'd wanted for her entire life. Her mother just told her that he was into music, that was the only thing she knew about him, well, that and they had the same eye color. 

"I'm sorry, Evie. That was something she didn't tell anybody, not even your grandmother." he replied. Evie sighed, but then paused. The end of his sentence didn't make any sense. 

"I don't have a grandmother." 

"You did, once. When your mother found out she was pregnant and decided to raise you on her own, your grandmother suggested that she got rid of you, they got into a fight and after that, they never spoke to each other again." he told her. 

"So, she's dead?" Evie inquired. 


There was silence for a little while after that. It was comfortable. 

"What're we doing? You never told me what the lead was?" she questioned. 

"Darius Baxter. He's been selling drugs to some of Earth's greatest heroes. He gives Condor coke occasionally. But, we're not gonna touch that. There's a supe, I'm not sure if you've heard of him. He calls himself Maestro, he's immune to most drugs, so Darius cooks up a new batch. There's no name for it, but Maestro gets his personal high." he told her. 

"Maestro and I have crossed paths. What does he have anything to do with us?"

"We're gonna slip a little something into his juice." 


Hello again!! 

I got two chapters out again!! I'm finally settling into a routine!! 

So, I'm thinking of calling the RV prequel The Red. I also got thinking, why just Red Veteran. Why not more. Characters like Stanley, Condor, maybe even Evie's mother. 

I'd like to hear your opinion on this. I'd also like to hear your opinions about characters in the book. A while back, I was worried that I'd inadvertently turned Red Veteran into a villain. That wasn't my intention if I did. 

Anyway, have a great night!

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