What came in the days afterward was kind of a mess. There was some supe concert or something and Stanley had managed to convince Alex into going with him and Evie. He wasn't pleased especially since he had no idea where he was going when he agreed. In fairness, neither did Evie. They stood behind Stanley as he approached Darius. 

"Having fun?" 

Darius turned his head to Stanley. 

"What do you want? I did what you asked." Darius spoke. Stanley chuckled slightly. 

"Calm down. We just wanted to show you something." 

Darius let out a breath in relief. 

Alex glanced to Evie who shrugged. 

"I'll explain it later." she whispered. He focused his attention back on the 'heroes' as he was told by Stanley. Condor began to introduce Maestro and after that, Maestro walked on the stage. 

He was pumped. Way too pumped. Some guys are excited and happy, but it looked like Maestro took a combination of many different things. He gave into the crowd. Screaming with them, laughing with them, laughing when they weren't. He gave away all the signs of drug consumption. 

And then it all blew up. Literally. There were pieces of Maestro everywhere. The crowd and 'heroes' alike were covered in blood and guts. 

As sick as it was, Evie smirked. 

"Jesus..." Alex muttered. 

"Who cares. The bastard had it coming. Just like all the others." she spoke. 

Suddenly, Alex wasn't so sure anymore. Alex wasn't sure he agreed with Evie anymore. Her view on things was getting disturbingly grim. 

He once agreed with her methods, but enjoying death wasn't a method he planned on enjoying unless it was the death of Condor. 

Condor would be the only death he wanted. 

"Take a look at that, Darius. Remember this for the future. We're cleaning up." Stanley spoke. 

Hello again!!!

I hope you guys enjoyed the last two chapters! 

Please vote and comment below!! 

Have an amazing night!!

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