A Month to Love (44)

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I thought my life was chaotic last month but the next week was somehow even more busy.

Once we arrived back in Richmond, Remi took Raegan hostage and interrogated her until she knew everything. Kyle also came over in the evening to catch up. Thankfully George and the others were stuck in exams and whatnot so didn’t have enough time to meet up with her – she was sort of between my house and her own at the moment. George did try to skip out on his math exam but apparently Tara dragged him in by his hair which was probably the right thing to do.

On Sunday night, we stayed at mine. I managed to wiggle us out of spending the entire evening with Remi and Kyle so we could have some alone time. It had barely been a day since she’d come back – I was still feeling incredibly needy.

What I really wanted to do, was take Raegan out on a proper date. Anything normal. The movies or a dinner. I know we’d pretty much hung out for a whole month solid but technically we hadn’t been dating during that time. I wanted at least one official date on the record yet the week ahead of us offered no time.

Monday, which I’d not been dreading but I was nervous about, I went home with Raegan. To her home. And her parents.

Her mom was nice – although I got the feeling, she wouldn’t hesitate to kick my ass if I happened to annoy her. Definitely a trait Raegan had inherited. Her dad was also friendly but I did catch him watching me closely whenever I put a hand on her. I sensed he may be a little over protective with her as his only child and all. And Raegan happened to be someone who it was wise to worry about.

Seeing where she really lived was refreshing in a way. I’d only ever gotten to see her bare apartment but here was a history of her life. Pictures, books, trinkets she’d gathered over her years alive. Things like that gave you an extra insight to a person’s life. Whatever you kept around you was usually what you thought was most important.

‘Come on,’ Raegan said, snatching up her bag from the side.

We’d just had a quick lunch with her parents but her dad had to head back to work and her mom was on her way back to the hospital to speak with someone about the whole doctor mishap. She wasn’t going to let them off lightly.

‘Where are we going?’ I asked taking my jacket which she’d just offered to me but not putting it on.


‘Yeah, no thanks.’

‘Not to learn!’ Raegan laughed, nearly falling over as she yanked her other sneaker on. I snatched hold of her elbow before she could crash into the coat stand.

‘To protest or something? I don’t even go to this school. Neither do you as a matter of fact!’ I replied.

‘Well,’ Raegan said, turning to me and forcing my arms into my jacket. ‘When I left in my very abrupt manner, I abandoned all my stuff in my locker. I’ve got to pick that up and also Richmond have been asking me for official transfer papers and stuff so I can actually sit my finals there. I managed to ignore them last month but I should probably get it sorted now that I’m actually going to take my finals...’

‘I see.’

‘It’s only around the corner. I didn’t even drive in most days. Only if it was raining.’

She opened the front door and I followed her out down the path. It was a pretty nice neighbourhood. Kind of quiet but it was the middle of the day on a Monday so I expected that most people were out at work or school right now.

‘I like your parents,’ I said conversationally as we made our way towards the school.

‘And they like you. Mom adores you actually. You made a great first impression – as I suspected,’ Raegan replied, looping her arm through my own.

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