A Month to Love (19)

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‘You look happy. I suppose your little date last night went well,’ Remi said as we crossed paths in the hallway.

‘Not a date.’

Technically speaking.

‘Uh-huh, sure,’ she snorted. ‘Well, it’s nice to see you get out of the house either way,’ she added, tossing her bag over her shoulder. ‘For things which aren’t related to football, school or you know exercise,’ she added in a grossed out voice.

‘You make me sound like a hermit,’ I snorted, fishing around in the bowl by the door for my keys. ‘You coming in with me?’

‘Nope, going with Kyle,’ Remi yawned. ‘We’ve got a thing after school.’


‘It seems you don’t understand the meaning of the word ‘date’ so I figured I’d call it something else,’ she replied sweetly.

I rolled my eyes and yanked the front door open, deciding not to respond. Just what I needed, another person to spectate as I struggled through the emotional minefield of my feelings for Raegan.

And speaking of Raegan, what the hell were we going to do tonight? For someone usually so organised, I was really letting myself go. To be fair, part of the blame lay on her and these damn detentions she’d got handed to us. But most of the blame lay with me and my disorganisation.

We could definitely go to the beach Saturday. Actually, I may even ask the others to come with us. That’d be fun. And Suze was coming over Saturday evening too. Just a stopover on her way to some strange event she was going to no doubt. We’d spend more time with her next month when she came back. So that was the weekend kind of gone already.

Hmm, I had promised to cook for her... maybe I could do that one night. And perhaps we could go out for dinner or something.

Okay I seriously needed to plan this out properly for next week. We didn’t exactly have long by this thirtieth deadline and I didn’t want to disappoint.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I suddenly realised I’d made my way to Raegan’s apartment somehow. The brain is a powerful thing when it needs to be. Not when you want it to be though.

I was just debating whether to actually knock on her door or honk my horn because that seemed to annoy her when I realised that she was already outside. And not alone.

I yanked off my seatbelt and got out of the car before thoughts could even be put into actual words in my head.

As I made my way up the path, Tommy waved at me like we were old pals – which I suppose we were... we just happened to not be new pals. And then he disappeared inside the apartment right next to Raegan’s.

No way.

‘What the flying fuck is he doing?’ I asked, even though I was already ninety five percent certain of the answer.

‘Apparently he’s my neighbour.’

Raegan looked at me in exasperation. I couldn’t help but share the expression. She really did seem to be put into the strangest situations.

What were the chances of her moving into the apartment next to Tommy? And when the hell did he move out of his house? Where was his mom living? Unless she’d gotten sicker. She must have. She hadn’t exactly been great the last time I saw her... I didn’t really want to imagine what she was like now. Shit. Things must be bad.

I pondered over this while Raegan quickly snatched her bag from just inside the doorway and locked up.

‘Your neighbour?’ I repeated, needing her to absolutely confirm this in my mind.

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