A Month to Love (3)

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Wanna go to the beach after school?

My last class was history and we were watching a documentary about some World War II general or another. The blinds were drawn and the classroom was stifling so Remi's message couldn’t have come at a better time. I was just about to nod off.

I’m in.

Great. I’ll message the others. I don’t have Reagan's number yet so I’ll have to try catch her in the parking lot.

It’s spelled Raegan. Not Reagan like the president.

It wasn’t the most normal of names to be fair. I bet people misspelled it a lot. Probably got annoying after a while though.

You’d know.

I wasn’t sure what Remi meant by that.

‘Phone away, Mr Miller. We’re focusing on the year nineteen forty-one right now and they certainly didn’t have smart phones back then. This does bring me onto a great point though – communications between-'

I pocketed my phone with a grimace and snatched up a pen intent on getting through the last half hour without getting called out once more.

*   *   *

‘Think fast,’ Davy said giving me a second of warning before launching a football at me. I just about caught it with the tips of my fingers.


‘Yeah, haven’t been this year at all,’ he nodded. ‘Tara’s driving me and Lisa, and George too, I think. Hey, did you punch Jacob yester-'

‘Yep, now never mention it again else Remi will kill me,’ I said, hastily cutting him off. She was over by Raegan’s car so couldn’t hear our conversation but still, I didn’t want her getting wind of it. She may be small an innocent looking, but Remi was secretly the devil in disguise. Pure evil.

‘Nice,’ Davy grinned. ‘I’ve been wanting to do that for years, he's a little jerk. And he was the worst on the team. Anyway, see ya there,’ he added, waving me off after I tossed the ball back at him.

I hopped in the driver’s seat, rolling down the window quickly to let some of the hot air out. I should’ve parked in the shade this morning but I didn’t realise it’d be this hot out. This week was turning out to be a good one despite the rough start.

‘Take your sweet time,’ I called at the girls. I wanted to get the hell out of here and into the water ASAP. I also didn't like people keeping me waiting for no reason.

‘I will take my time. I will,’ Raegan replied snippily, pausing by my window.

‘Children,’ Remi warned. ‘Oh, by the way Raegan, you’re sitting in the front because I don’t want to be distracted by your bickering when I’m talking to Kyle. And Bradley, wait for Kyle, I forgot to tell you he’s coming.’

I guessed as much. He never usually sat with us at lunch so it was pretty obvious who he’d really joined us for when he sat with us today. I didn’t hate the guy. Really, I didn't. But if he was anything like his brother when it came to dating, then I did not want him within ten feet of my sister. Actually, within a mile.

Our drive to the beach was pretty uneventful as far as drives went. I did receive a punch in the arm any time Raegan caught me glaring at Kyle in the mirror. He and Remi were a little too cosy too soon for my liking.

I felt nostalgic as we drove through the small town where the beach we’d decided upon was. We came here a lot as kids on the weekends. Mom would usually take us for ice cream and a walk if dad was ever out of town on a business trip.

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