A Month to Love (16)

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I'd either just been smacked over the head with a concrete block or I'd drank way too much last night. Seeing as I’d most likely be dead in the first case, I was going to have to go with the second.

Why did I do this to myself time and time again knowing the consequences of the next day? Was a couple hours of fun worth a day of feeling like shit?

I let out a sigh and cracked my eyes open. For a good few seconds, I couldn’t recall just where the hell I was. And why had I not shut the blinds? The sunlight was torturing my eyes right now and making my headache feel even worse. Is this how Raegan felt whenever she-

Oh, right, Raegan. We were at her apartment. And there she was right next to me all tucked up, hand still tightly clenched into the fabric of my shirt even in her sleep. That was sweet. My dead arm underneath her was not sweet, though but I couldn’t bring myself to free it in case it woke her up. I’d prefer to stay right here for as long as I possibly could.

Now had I been a moron last night? I didn’t think I had but that was just my personal opinion. Did I say anything stupid? I mean more stupid than usual. I don’t think I had. And I highly doubt if I said anything to Raegan that she didn’t like that she’d be sleeping with me right now.

No, I think I did okay. Apart from the fact that my brain felt like it was about to implode. And my muscles were still a little achey from overusing them the last week. And with my eyes open, I felt slightly dizzy. Oddly enough, my stomach felt fine but I don’t think that would last long with the weird blurry vision. I closed my eyes in an attempt to put off the queasiness as long as possible.

Raegan shifted then and I felt her hair tickling my forearm as she pulled away. I didn’t want to open my eyes but I could feel her watching me so I did. I should have known she’d be smirking.

‘If you’re suffering from a headache then it will teach you a lesson. You only have yourself to blame,’ she said, as she disengaged herself from me.

Oops, I’d gotten clingy in the night and managed to worm myself around her until our legs were all tangled up. Oh well, I had a good night’s sleep.

‘I’ve learnt the lesson now – can it go already?’ I complained, shutting my eyes against the light once more.

I needed those curtains to be shut. Or one of those eye masks for sleeping. Even sunglasses would do.

‘That’s not how it works, hon,’ she replied with a yawn. ‘Why is it always your fault that I wake up?’ she added grumpily.

Well, that probably had something to do with the fact that we’d slept together the past three nights so it was pretty much inevitable. But I hadn’t been trying to wake her up purposely, in fact I’d rather both of us be asleep right now. For some reason, I seemed to pass out the last few nights. Usually, I woke up at least once or twice but nope, with her I’d managed to sleep through right until morning.

‘Fate,’ I replied, covering my eyes with one of my hands.

It was better than nothing. I needed a lot of water and as many headache pills as I could find. And food. Possibly sugary food. I was very needy right now indeed.

‘I’d offer you some pills but I’m all out,’ Raegan said as if reading my mind.

That’s right, she had run out of her migraine meds. She seriously needed to get more of those ‘cos from the couple times I’d seen her random small ones, they seemed painful as hell. I’m not sure what would be worse. Those sudden stabs of pain that came out of the blue or the long lingering headaches that lasted hours on end. Probably the second one.

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