A Month to Love (24)

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‘We had dessert before dinner,’ Raegan said as we finished the washing up. ‘Not sure if I like that. It doesn’t give me anything to look forward to eating now.’

‘I know what you mean,’ I agreed, drying my hands on the kitchen towel and hanging it up on its designated hook.

‘But, I have to hand it to you once again – your cooking skills are unmatched,’ Raegan added, pulling a face. ‘Is there anything you’re not good at? It's very annoying hanging out with Mr Perfect, you know.’

‘I’m far from perfect,’ I disagreed.

Especially as of late. I was getting increasingly whiny and needy with the occasional bout of jealousy. She should be aware of all three of those flaws but she was quite inconsistent with how observant she was. Sometimes she noticed the tiniest detail about me and other times she missed the obvious. You know, like how I had to wipe the drool from my chin occasionally when I looked at her.

‘I’d say you’re pretty close.’

‘I’m flattered,’ I smirked. ‘Didn’t know you thought so highly of me.’

‘Shut up!’ she growled, sending her fist into my arm. ‘Don’t let it go to your head, idiot. Let’s go upstairs, Remi wants to play games apparently.’

‘Oh no,’ I sighed, following Raegan through the kitchen door. ‘Your competitive side concerns me. How are you at board games? Do you shout at the other players then?’

‘Surely a football player like yourself understands the dangers of competitive play,’ she grinned over her shoulder.

‘Yeah, we get in trouble for committing any fouls. Unfortunately, we don’t have similar rules in place here to stop you from tossing a controller at my head,’ I retorted.

‘I’d never throw it with force,’ she shrugged, making me laugh.

It was amusing watching her get all worked up over a video game. We retreated to the upstairs living room where Remi and Kyle were and I threw myself down into the comfy armchair so I could stay out of harm’s way. I was definitely not playing with Raegan. Or Remi. I never thought Kyle would be my first choice but he was actually the most level headed person in the room right now.

Unfortunately, my plan didn’t work for long and both Kyle and I were accused of not participating and bringing the mood down or some shit. Forced fun, that’s what we needed!

‘See, that’s better, isn’t it?’ Raegan asked, as she pried open my hand and shoved a controller into it. She then plopped herself onto the carpet by my feet, stealing a pillow from behind my back in the process. ‘Now we can all be mad together.’

‘This is your idea of fun?’ I snorted.

‘Quit whining, brat!’

Admittedly, it was a teeny tiny bit fun. Mostly the part where I sabotaged Raegan in the racing game we were all playing until she cursed me out. She had a colourful vocabulary.

‘New game!’

‘You’ve said that after the last four games you sucked at,’ I laughed at her.

‘Shut up!’ she complained before crawling away to find something else to play. I was quite content to just go along with whatever she wanted. I think Kyle was doing the same with Remi.

‘Oh, what about this wrestling game?’ she asked, holding it up.

‘It’s only two player,’ I replied. ‘It’d be us against them.’

Hey, if she forced me to play, the least she could let me do was choose the teams. And I’d always put her on my team.

‘I’m pretty confident that we can take them down, aren’t you?’ Raegan asked.

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