A Month to Love (8)

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I was pretty beat when I parked up in the school lot the next morning. I’d neglected a two thousand word essay for history class because of my busy weekend and had to make up for it into the early hours of the morning.

At least I had a peaceful morning so far. No Remi to deal with – she'd gotten picked up by Kyle earlier for some kind of breakfast date. And the traffic hadn’t been bad at all. All things considered, I was in a relatively good mood.

I was a little early so thought I’d drop off my gym bag to the locker rooms to pass some time. It seemed fate really wanted to throw me together with Raegan right now and disrupt my plans because she almost hit me with her car door when I was walking past.

‘Stupid bastard,’ she grumbled.

It took me a moment to realise she wasn’t talking about me. I almost thought she was pissed about me trying to kiss her last night. Hitting me with a car door did seem like something she’d do for revenge.

‘Language like that isn’t appropriate first thing on a Monday morning,’ I said, attempting to berate her but ending up stifling a yawn instead.

I leaned against her car just as she yanked open the back door as if she were trying to tear it of its hinges.

‘It is when annoying things like this happen,’ she growled. ‘Especially on a fucking Monday morning.’

I blinked in surprise at her tone. Who – or what – had pissed her off this morning? Was it me? Maybe she was annoyed about the whole near kiss thing. Shit. Should I apologise? What if it wasn't about that? No, of course it wasn't. I was just being paranoid. It was probably best to not even bring it up at all.

‘Chill out,’ I said in an attempt to be soothing. ‘Why’re you so pissed off? If it’s about sensitive female then I don’t want to know! I get enough of that from Remi!’ I added in mock horror.

Remi did indeed like sharing so I was pretty used to hearing about all that shit. It was more an attempt to humour her than anything else but it didn’t seem to work and I was rewarded with a thud on the chest by a heavy geometry textbook.

‘One day I will kill you,’ she glared at me.

‘Well, you’re in a fantastic mood today,’ I said before letting out a sigh. ‘Okay, I don’t really want to get beaten up a few days before the game because coach will have me on a roasting spit,’ I told her. ‘So I’m just going to clean this up for you to get in your good books.’

Her bag had spilled out everywhere across the back seat and floor. Admittedly, that would be irritating. Not the cause of her fury but definitely fuel on the fire.

I nudged her out of the way gently, handling her as if she were a live grenade I didn’t want to set off, and began swiftly gathering up her things. This would probably be the tidiest her bag would ever be, she tended to leave it a mess of books at papers. No idea how she found anything inside it.

‘Maybe you’re pissed off because you haven’t had any of these today,’ I suggested as I picked up her bottle of painkillers. Luckily they hadn't burst open all over the bottom of the car.

‘Oh yeah,’ she replied hesitantly. ‘I didn’t take any this morning.’

That explained the foul mood. I was certain if my head felt like it was being hit by a baseball bat every few seconds, I’d be pretty grouchy too. I tipped one of the white pills into her hand before tossing the bottle into her bag too.

‘D’you have to take these every day?’ I asked interestedly.

‘Whenever it gets bad,’ she shrugged, pulling a face as she lifted her hand to her mouth.

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