A Month to Love (13)

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‘What time is it?’

‘Nine thirty-ish,’ Raegan replied. ‘Looks like a nice day.’

I groaned and rolled onto my stomach before cracking my eyes open to look at her. She was sitting cross legged beside me with her phone in hand. She’d snoozed her alarm for the past hour and a half and only now finally decided to turn the thing off for good.

‘You’re not taking pictures of me asleep, are you? That’s kind of stalkerish,’ I mumbled as I wrapped my arms around the pillow tightly.

‘Yeah, I needed a new phone background. I thought you drooling would make a good one,’ she replied sarcastically.

‘I don’t sleep drool,’ I protested.

‘The photo I have here says otherwise.’

‘I think you’re bluffing,’ I smiled.

‘You should get some more sleep,’ Raegan said, tossing her hair up using a tie she’d left around her wrist. ‘You look exhausted.’

‘I’m fine,’ I replied dismissively.

I could probably sleep for the rest of the day in reality. I was tired from our late night and my legs were aching like I’d ran a marathon. Which, I suppose I kind of did yesterday. This whole week had been nonstop.

‘Liar. You’ve been training your ass off for so long and we stayed up until freaking four AM!’ she snorted, not accepting my bullshit answer. ‘I’m going to find Remi and see how she’s doing. You must stay here and sleep some more.’

‘I must?’ I repeated, amused.

‘Yep. That’s an order.’

It felt strange that she worried about me yet satisfying. Evidence that she cared about me even a fraction of the amount that I did about her. I’m sure it was more than a fraction but really, with her, it was difficult to tell. And I also wasn’t opposed to her bossing me around. Assertive Raegan was... provocative.

‘You didn’t sleep until late either,’ I pointed out. ‘You should get some more rest too.’

‘I haven’t been running around playing football all week,’ she replied. ‘Actually, I’ve been very lazy. Anyway, I don’t think I can even manage to go back to sleep now,’ she admitted. ‘I’m also sick of this damn dress, I can’t believe I managed to sleep in it. Can’t wait to shower and get changed. I have no clothes here.’

‘I’ll drive you home if you want to pick up some clothes,’ I offered, starting to push myself up.

‘No!’ she protested, leaning over and pressing down on my shoulder until I gave up and slouched back down again. ‘You’ve been ordered to stay in bed, remember?’

‘I’ll drive you later then,’ I relented, closing my eyes once more. ‘Don’t leave while I’m sleeping.’

‘Hmm, seems like you’re being the clingy one,’ she teased. ‘Didn’t you say that I was? Can’t get enough of me, huh?’

‘I like hanging out with you.’

I was pretty blunt myself when I was tired. Not that I regretted admitting that out loud. Of course, I liked being in her company, that was pretty obvious to anyone with eyes. Raegan didn’t reply and I was about to look up to see her reaction but felt her pulling the covers up higher over me.

‘I’ll stay,’ she replied quietly. ‘I like, um hanging out here too. With you, I mean.’

I did open my eyes then. I suspected she was blushing and the fading pink tinge on her cheeks told me I was right. She really was weird about the reasons why she blushed.

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