A Month to Love (36)

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My alarm had gone off like ten minutes ago and I still had to get in the shower and find something at least half presentable to wear yet here I was laying in bed. It wasn’t my fault really. I was tired from a long week of... well travelling around and showing Raegan all the places I could think of. Plus most nights had been pretty late ones.

So yeah, I was practically blameless in ignoring my alarm. I was tired, and it just so happened that the girl I was in love with was using me as her own personal mattress.

Every time I even thought about getting up, I took one look down at her passed out face and all of my motivation disappeared. To be fair, this was like waving ice cold beers around at an AA meeting. Having Raegan snuggling up to me all of her own accord? Who on earth could resist that?

Not me anyway.

Five minutes and I’d definitely have to get up.

I sighed lowly, making her flyaway hairs flutter as I looked back up to the ceiling I’d been staring at moments before. We weren’t even home that late last night now that I thought about it. We’d driven back from my uncle’s, grabbed some dinner here then hung out at George’s for what he promised would be a relaxing evening. Unfortunately, Tommy decided to make an appearance and that took away the whole relaxing aspect of it.

As if sensing my thoughts, Raegan made a noise of complaint before clenching her hand into my shirt and tucking her head more firmly under my chin.

God damnit. She had this really annoying habit of being cute when she was asleep.

I tried not to focus on how her hair smelt but it was either that or think about the fact that her face was pressed into the crook of my neck, including her lips. And then I’d think about her kissing my neck and it’d just spiral into a whole lot of other thoughts.

I let out another sigh, this time it was more full of frustration than blissful happiness but my mood seemed to swing in roundabouts these days so I shrugged it off.

Instead, I distracted myself with mulling over our conversation last night. Tommy showed up to George’s and one annoying conversation later he’d pissed Raegan off enough to storm out. Well, storm out was a dramatic phrasing. She kind of just left. And me being me, I ran after her.

‘Can you not run off like that?’ I asked, rubbing the back of my neck with a grimace as I followed her down George’s hallway. I’d managed to ward off his mom. ‘It puts me on edge.’

‘Sorry,’ Raegan replied shortly. ‘He was really-’

‘Pissing you off?’ I finished for her. ‘He knows how to get to people.’

I didn’t really understand this whole thing with Raegan and Tommy. It was most likely Tommy just being an ass and trying to annoy her because he knew it would annoy me. That sounded like a pretty self centred thing to say but I sensed it was the truth. he guy refused to talk to me about all the shit going on in his life but happily tried to irritate me. Fuck knows why.

‘Let’s go before he follows us out,’ I suggested. ‘I’d really have to punch him then.’

I was kidding really; I doubt I’d ever end up punching one of my friends. But maybe Tommy could do with some sense getting knocked into him. He had a rough life, sure, but there were plenty of other ways – and people surrounding him – to help him cope.

‘I knew we shouldn’t have all came in Kyle’s car,’ I commented as I followed Raegan out the front door and realised we were stranded.

‘We can walk to mine,’ Raegan nodded. ‘Three blocks, remember?’

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