A Month to Love (6)

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Remi’s annoying voice first thing in the morning was far from my favourite thing to wake up to. Especially when I’d only gotten a few hours of sleep to start with. This was one of the reasons why I’d chosen a bedroom quite far down the hall from her when we first moved in.

After coming back inside last night it turned out neither Raegan or I were tired anymore. I ended up moving over to her side of the room so we could at least talk. It was never much fun staring up at a dark ceiling until you fell asleep.

I yanked the blanket up over my head in an attempt to block out the morning sun. What kind of person opened the blinds on sleeping people? Sleeping people needed the dark.

‘Go eat some fruit loops,’ I heard Raegan grumbling.

‘Please Raegan!’ Remi begged. ‘Don’t bacon pancakes sound delicious right now? Can you even cook? If not, I guess I’m wasting my time anyway.’

‘Of course she can cook,’ I replied on her behalf.

Actually, I had no idea if she could. She seemed like a pretty capable person though. And she did live on her own right now so she must have some culinary ability else she’d starve.

I began ignoring them again as best I could until they finally left for the kitchen. And even though I wanted to sleep more, I couldn’t. I hated that. Whenever you thought about trying to sleep it was nearly impossible to do so no matter how tired you were.

Grumbling to myself, I got up and headed for the bathroom before making my way into the kitchen too.

‘I hope you can make tasty pancakes,’ I said, spotting Raegan standing in the middle of the room alone and looking somewhat lost. ‘Nice bed hair,’ I added.

Hey, I may have realised I liked the girl but that didn’t mean I was going to annoy her any less. In fact, I felt the need to tease her even more so I could at least pretend everything was normal. In truth I felt a little... not nervous, just... off?

I don’t know.

I hadn’t had feelings for anyone for a long time. I was a little out of practice so to speak. It would have been easier if I’d never clocked on to my crush but it was too late now. I’d just have to try my best to be normal until l no longer felt that way towards her. In my personal experience, crushes faded fast. Just fleeting things.

‘I could say the same,’ she replied. ‘Look at that bird’s nest you’ve got up there,’ she added, giving me a quick once over.

‘I look good with messy hair,’ I smirked, leaning against the counter. Actually, she was the one who looked good with messy hair but I didn’t think there was a casual way to slip that into conversation.

‘How do you work this thing?’ she asked, ignoring my last arrogant comment.

I somehow ended up letting her order me around as if I were her sous chef as we set about making breakfast. Cooking with someone else in the kitchen was an odd feeling and I’d been right in assuming she knew what she was doing for the most part.

However, the food mixer did best her.

‘Wait!’ I exclaimed, seeing that she was about to make the same mistake I’d made countless times before. ‘Before you plug it in, make sure the dial is-'

Too late. I grimaced, which she probably couldn’t even see because my face was now obscured in a layer of pancake mix.

‘Not turned up,’ I finished, reaching out and turning off the mixer which was still excitedly making an even bigger mess of the kitchen.

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