A Month to Love (2)

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‘How was the beach?’ I asked George as we ran the final lap around the field. ‘Were you hungover?’

‘I threw up in a kid's sand pit,’ George said, shaking his head and letting out a huff of air. ‘Let’s walk the rest, I think I might pass out otherwise,’ he groaned.

I was happy to slow to a walk, partly because I was exhausted and partly because I’d lost my breathing rhythm from laughing at George.

‘You just have to traumatise at least one person wherever you go, don’t you?’ I grinned.

‘I couldn’t help it, I had an ice cream to make myself feel better but I only felt worse,’ George sighed, stretching his arms behind his head. ‘And then I remembered I still had to come to practice after and it only made me throw up more.’

‘You’re a moron,’ I laughed. ‘You’ll have to give me a ride home. My damn tyre was flat this morning, had to call your brother.’

‘What, you can’t change a tyre?’ George snorted.

‘I didn’t have a spare!’

‘It’s okay, I’ll give you a ride – oh yeah, did I hear someone say in the locker room that your sister dumped Jacob?’ George added as we headed back across the field. We were dead last in this final exercise. Everyone else had already headed back to the lockeroom.

‘Yeah, he cheated on her at that party last Saturday apparently,' I told him, scowl forming on my face again. 'Were you at that one?'

‘No, I was at a family thing. Probably good that we weren’t there, though. Could’ve gotten ugly, right? You’re not going to confront him or anything, are you? It's not worth it, he’s moving at the end of the week,’ George went on.

‘I promised Remi I wouldn’t cause a scene,’ I grumbled. Technically a scene was in front of a lot of people. I doubted I had many opportunities to get him on his own though. It'd be nice to tell the asshole what I truly thought of him.

‘Good. He’s seriously not worth it, man. Never liked that guy. He always used to snitch on us at elementary school, remember? Little rat. Oh yeah, there’s a new girl too?’ George added, shoving open the changing room door with his shoulder.

‘How do you find all this information so quickly?’ I wondered aloud. He hadn’t even been here all day. He was quite possibly the biggest gossip in the school.

‘I was hanging out with Tara on the trip. Remi was messaging her about it. They’re always texting on group chats, aren’t they? Maybe I should ask to be added to them. I like news just as much as the next person,’ George pointed out.

‘You like news more than the next person,’ I corrected him.

‘What’s she like?’

‘Not sure. Normal, kind of weird,’ I shrugged. They didn't make much sense. But my brain still wasn't functioning at full capacity. And also, Raegan wasn't an easy person to suss out.


I should have known that would be his next question.

‘I guess.’

‘Ugh, you’re really shit at this,’ George grumbled. ‘I could get more accurate information from a Magic 8 Ball. Maybe I should shake your head.’

‘Please don’t, I just got rid of my headache.’

It was only after showering and when we were on our way out to George’s truck that I finally laid eyes on the bastard himself. I found myself scowling at the back of his head as he walked in front of us with a couple of the other guys. He waved them off as he turned to his parking spot. I could say he had a typical rich boy car but that would be hypocritical of me. Maybe I'd taken advantage of my dad's wealth too when it came to choosing a car. However, what I could say was that he was a terrible driver and quite undeserving of such a vehicle. And that was true.

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