A Month to Love (10)

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I didn’t want to move. I was warm and comfortable.
But suspicious.

That feeling you get when you realise it’s a little too bright to be this asleep. When you begin to wonder whether you set your alarm for the morning. Was it five AM? Or five PM?

Holding back a sigh, I rubbed my head before fumbling for my phone in the pocket of my sweatpants. I didn’t want to open my eyes but I did, wincing at the sunlight coming in from the living room window. We needed to stop sleeping in this damn room.

My gaze fell on Raegan who was silently watching me, looking doe eyed as if she had just woken up too. What was she thinking right now? Regretting sleeping all snuggled up with me? I mean, it’s not like we’d done anything to compromise our friendship but it was sort of toeing the line.

Personally, I felt great. Never better in fact.

‘Shit,’ I muttered, looking over at the time on my phone. ‘We’re going to be late for school. It’s nine o clock.’

I’m guessing she wouldn’t give a shit about that though. Actually, I didn’t give a shit either. I know where I’d rather be right now. What was her excuse?

‘We’re already late then,’ she replied quietly. ‘The game doesn’t start until three so it doesn’t matter.’

‘You really are not fussed about education, are you?’ I asked with a lazy smile.

If she wasn’t getting up then neither was I. To discourage her from leaving, I dropped my phone in exchange for resting my hand on her waist and let my head fall back down again.

‘Not near the end of the year,’ she replied. ‘We’ve only got like four weeks left and I doubt I’ll learn anything.’

I was going to reply with something sarcastic but the did the thing where she stopped my brain from functioning by edging closer and tucking her head under my chin. It’s like she somehow knew about my new weakness – the smell of her hair – and was using it against me. I was truly pathetic wasn’t I?

‘So, you used the strawberry shampoo,’ I noted as if I hadn’t spent the past few hours breathing it in.

‘I like strawberries.’

I like you.

‘So do I,’ I said instead. ‘That doesn’t mean you have to go around smelling like that annoying Strawberry Shortcake girl,’ I added just to annoy her.

‘Shut up and go back to sleep,’ she ordered.

‘No more flicking,’ I complained, batting her hand away just in time. Instead, she yanked at my hair. ‘Ow!’

With a huff of air, Raegan leaned back to glare at me. Unfortunately, it wasn’t very threatening as I was more focused on her face being so close to mine but I managed a small smile.

‘Stop talking and go back to sleep.’

It sounded like an excellent idea in my opinion. One of the best she’d ever had.

‘Let me just get my blanket first,’ I teased as I tightened my arm around her.

It was only fair that I could use her as a blanket if she could use me as a mattress. She seemed to agree as her only response was the usual ‘idiot'. I was beginning to think that was becoming a pet name or something, she seemed to use it just as much as my actual name. Well, whatever floats her boat.

Understandably, I fell back asleep again. I could get used to the feeling of sleeping wrapped around her. I definitely didn’t want this to be a one time thing. And she didn’t seem to hate it either.

A Month to LoveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang