She was born and raised for this roll, and that will
Be the the roll she fills.

The twins had come to me on the 4th day of isolation, and had spoke in worry of the girl. They said that she didn't speak, move unless it was to eat or shower. I know that she had not requested anything as well. The twins tried to tell me something was off. But I refused to listen. I still assume she is tricking me.

I calmed them down by telling them, if she still continues this pace on the last day of the week, then I will intervene. That settled them down enough. So it seemed to work, of course I will keep my word.

I kept my self piled in papers. I couldn't sleep, I would only dream of her. I couldn't take break, I would think of her. When silence filled the room, I would hear her angelic voice.

I had to keep reminding my self that I couldn't have her. I had to reject her, get it over with. But I would have to wait. Because I needed her to fight for me, for us until the very end. Maybe if I strong her along, she will do as I ask of her. At least a man can only hope.


The rest of the week had went by seamlessly. I was able to get a few hours rest, and handle some business outside the territory. I thought for sure that if I left, she would try to escape, giving up her game of charades but she didn't.

The twins had no new updates for me, she was the same as she was then they brought it to my attention. Today was Sunday and I figured I would speak with her, maybe let her join the coven for a meal, or even just me.

I think a meal with only me would be more comfortable for the girl. So that's what I'll do.

I made my way to her door once more, knocking beige I enter. And just as the time before, she had no answer. So I unlocked the door and entered.

She was sitting in the same place she was days ago. Staring off into the oblivion. I could tell the light in her eyes were dimming, and were much less beautiful then the times before .

I won't lie, I was a little concerned, depending out the out come of dinner, I might enlist a Doctor to look at her.

"Hello again, I guess we never formally were introduced. My name is Sergey, and I am the vampire prince."

I offered up my hand for an introduction. But once again, she didn't acknowledge me what so ever. Never even lifting her head. I retracted mt hand and tried a different approach with her.

"Well I figure it is dinner time, and I was wondering if you would accompany me to dinner so that we can discuss the decision you have made."

Once again she did not make a move. I decided that I would take matter in my own hands. So I left without another word, and called upon the twins to get her ready for dinner.

I had been waiting at the table alone for about 30 minutes, when the double doors to my private dining area were opened.

The twins bowed in respect, but my eyes were on them. They were on the beautiful red headed woman before me.

She was wearing a red knee high dress, it was strapless, and it accented her tan skin, and long beautiful legs.

Her hair cascaded down her back, in beautiful broad curls. With her green eyes seemingly dead. I found comfort in just looking at her.

I had to once again scold my self for listing for a woman that was out of my reach. I dismissed the twins and offered up my arm, which she took without looking at me.

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