Nekomi and Ame followed. They looked around,not as closely as Russia is doing,but they tried to help as much as they could.

"Hey...what's that?"Nekomi muttered.

The two boys turned to look. Nekomi was kneeling in front of a bush. Ame and Russia looked over her shoulder. Nekomi's finger was raising a certain leaf.

"Blood?"Ame mumbled when he saw the dried red stain on the leaf.

"Do you think it's Philip's?"Nekomi whispered.

"How'd the police not see this?"Ame asked in a hushed tone.

"Maybe they're not covering this area yet."Nekomi guessed.


Russia started to look around for more clues. That's one down,who knows how many more to go. The Russian paid special close attention to the leaves.

It turned out to be a good idea. Russia spotted another leaf. It had a smudge of blood on it.

There were more ahead,creating a trail. But slowly,it started to disappear. Thd three were not too deep in the forest,but it was frightening to be there.

Suddenly,they heard a twig snap. They flinched and Nekomi whirled around. She spotted someone's hair bobbing up in a bush.

She slowly made her way there and suddenly snatched it. A yelp of pain echoed in the forest.

"Indo?!"Nekomi exclaimed,quickly letting his hair go.

"Ughhhhhh~..."Indo groaned.

"Sorry."the girl muttered.

"It's-It's fine."Indo strained."What are you guys doing here?"

"We could ask YOU the same thing."Ame said.

"We saw you guys sneaking into the forest,so we followed."


"Hi."Malay timidly greeted.

"Hehe...'Sup!"Vietnam joined.

The two eyes them questioningly before glancing at Russia. He was crouched down in front of the last trail of blood they found.

Suddenly,the sound of leaves rustling caught their attention. They all looked around,backing up towards each other and looking around cautiously.

A twig snapped,and Indo flinched. He was already jumpy. A shadow was circling them,and the group tried to keep their eyes on this mysterious figure. And just when everyone's guard was up...


Everyone gasped as a dog emerged from the bushes with small twigs stuck between the fur but seemed glad to see humans.

Vietnam was happy to see the dog.

"Pipa!Come here,girl."

The pup trotted over to her owner,wagging her tail and yapping happily. Vietnam was laughing,happy to have his pet back.

Now that they had Pipa,the students felt a lot safer. They relaxed and smiled as they watched the dog lick Vietnam.

"Why'd you run off like that?"Vietnam asked."You shouldn't have left me like that. You scared me..."

Pipa let out a bark. She hopped off Vietnam's lap and walked to a certain direction. She walked a bit before turning back to look at the students.

"I know damn well she wants us to follow her."Ame pointed out.

"Then let's do that."Nekomi suggested.

"What?!No,no,that's dangerous."Ame quickly said."Let's go back first,and-"

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