the sorceress grinned and twirled her katana, relinquishing the freshness of her cursed energy flowing out in waves. she ran at the curse, using her katana to deflect its incoming attack. she jumped in the air and plunged down. her katana sliced the curse's head and a part of its arm, making it let out an ear-deafening screech. however, katsumi didn't stop there. the girl moved on, evading every attack the curse sent at her and cutting it frequently.

''how annoying...'' katsumi frowned at the curse's regeneration. even though it could heal pretty nicely, there could still be seen small scars and traces of burning from katsumi's katana. with a sigh, katsumi turned around, narrowly evading yet another beam of cursed energy sent her way. the beam flew all the way to where fushiguro was slowly gaining consciousness and it hit the screen. the girl let out a small laugh, feeling a new supply of cursed energy enter her own flow.

the curse screeched once again and disappeared from her view. it appeared a millisecond later behind katsumi and was about to strike the girl down when she stabbed her katana in the middle of the finger-bearer's chest, right where sukuna's finger was. katsumi quickly realized her mistake and cursed. 

the contact between her katana and the finger caused a sudden explosion, sending both katusmi and the finger-bearer flying. the girl yelped as her back made contact with the hard wall behind her. puffing out her cheeks, annoyed more than ever, katsumi slowly got up and brought her left hand at the lying curse, her palm open towards it. before she could use her cursed technique, fushiguro's voice filled the cave.

''domain expansion!''

katsumi watched as the cave transformed, fushiguro's incomplete domain taking over. the fight between fushiguro and the finger-bearer was fast-paced, just like it was between katsumi and the curse. the girl watched from the sidelines, another katana in her left hand, ready to jump in if needed. fushiguro's in his element.

fushiguro's shadow shikigamis managed to slow down the finger-bearer, enough for the boy to use his divine dog and deliver the final punch- right through its chest where sukuna's finger was. the finger-bearer dissolved into ash, leaving the said finger lying on the ground.

''nice job fushiguro!'' katsumi walked over to the boy,  a small smile on her lips. the boy gave her a small nod and fell down on his knees, holding sukuna's finger in his hand.

''where are those two?''

katsumi focused on the area, trying to sense either kugisaki's cursed energy or sukuna's presence in itadori's body. she felt both a bit further down the road and they seemed to be going their way. fushiguro's vomiting caused her to break her concentration. the said boy fell unconscious a second later.

''i guess imma stay here and watch over you.''

it didn't take long for kugisaki and itadori to get where katsumi and fushiguro were, the latter still sleeping.

''you look roughed up.'' katsumi nodded at kugisaki's arm which had multiple nails sticking out. the ginger smiled a bit and nodded at the two.

''you two don't look so good either.''

itadori's eyes looked over katsumi's battered form and he frowned. he crouched down in front of her, looking at her with concern clouding his eyes. her usual platinum blonde hair with purplish tips was now blotched with whisks of red and black.

''are you okay?''

''the adrenaline is slowly wearing off.'' the blondish girl gave him a small smile. she could already see shoko's reaction to her probably broken ribs. ''imma be okay once shoko patches me up, don't worry!''

''you two are back.'' fushiguro's voice caught the trio's attention. ''glad you two are okay.''

''did you have a nice nap?'' katsumi teased, nudging the boy's leg with her own. he sent her a small glare.

''we have to call nitta first and have this sealed away asap.'' the black-haired teenager held up sukuna's finger, causing kugisaki and katsumi to scrunch their noses in disgust.

''should i just eat it?'' 

the trio deadpanned at itadori and kugisaki snapped. ''this ain't left-overs!''

''no. we're not sure how many more fingers you can consume.'' fushiguro added, clearly tired from that day's events. he handed the finger to itadori, glaring pointedly. ''but since you look the least worn down, take it. like i said, don't eat it though.''

''yeah, yeah, i'm not a dog–''

sukuna's mouth appeared on itadori's palm. it swallowed the finger, causing the four teenagers to stop. 

''we told you not to eat it!''

''huh?! me?!'' tattoos appeared on itadori's body for a quick moment before disappearing. ''no way! this guy–''

''that's disgusting.'' katsumi mused, hiding her amusement. 

mouth appeared on itadori's cheek, facing katsumi.

''the only disgusting thing is having to watch this brat and you be all lovely-dovely and shit.''

sukuna disappeared as quickly as he appeared, leaving the four teenagers to stare at itadori. the salmon-haired boy sent them a sheepish smile, ignoring the redness on his cheeks from being exposed by the curse residing in his body. katsumi's cheeks flushed red and a snicker escaped her lips. 

''sorry oh, the great king of curses. we'll keep our cuddling sessions at a minimum~!''

ɴᴇᴡ ᴅᴀᴛᴀ ᴀᴅᴅᴇᴅ:

cursed lotus art: mauve screen- the screen has the ability to absorb any attack containing cursed energy. the cursed energy that was absorbed is used to replenish the user's cursed energy.

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