Chapter 15 // second report

Start from the beginning

Then the last one, getting a healthy relationship with someone he trusts = still in progress, he wants Steve to be that person.

After our second session I added one more: he needs to think about a peaceful place when he wakes up from a nightmare to balance them, I have no idea if he tried this already or not.

4. Nightmares - he still feels like his life isn't his. I think his nightmares play a huge role in this. It's a really difficult subject to talk about over it for Barnes, he always shut himself directly out when I ask him about it. That's why I never question further on it, but I think his nightmares are about Hydra and his time as the winter soldier. He still has them every night. This is a subject Barnes needs to work hard on to open himself about it and to process it. He thinks the nightmares will never go away and will always be a part of him. I am going to try to change that but he is always really negative about it, this will be a long progress.

5. Incident - yesterday Barnes lost control over his anger and throwed glass against the wall. He directly regretted his actions when he saw he scared me. He lost control because I asked what his nightmares are about even though he told me from the beginning I couldn't ask that. Like I said before, it's the hardest subject to talk about with him. (I am not hurt and he didn't try to hurt me!)

Doctor: Allison Smith

"Well, it seems you made some great progress again with Barnes, I am impressed." Tony admits as he sets the progress report back down on the table.

"Thank you." Allison says friendly, shooting him a half-smile. "I am really happy he made so much progress in a short time, but we are still not there."

Tony nodded in agreement, "True, so are you planning to stay another week Doc?"

"Yes, it is really important for him to keep the band, last time I left for not even 2 days and I felt like the trust we built was all gone. So it is better if I stay a little longer if you all agree with that."

They all nodded. "As long as he makes progress, you can stay as long if you need." Fury says.

"Thank you." Allison says while forming a half-smile again.

"He wants to talk to me?" Steve asks, a little nervous.

Allison's smile grew wider as she nodded in confirmation. "Yes, he wanted me to ask if you sometimes want to come downstairs to talk to him about anything. You both know each other for a long time so that trust you had for each other is still there, you just need to fix it. You would be a great choice for the healthy relationship he needs to build."

Steve's shoulders finally relaxed from their tense position as he let out the anxious breath that he had been holding in. "I would love to."

"That's great!" Allison says with a big smile.

"I think there is not much left to say, you are doing a great job Dr. Smith. I would say keep it up." Starks says while bringing his hand up to scratch his chin.

"I will." Allison had made the decision to leave out a lot of parts on her progress report. She didn't think it was necessary to include any information about her and James sleeping in the same bed for two days and the playfull-sexfull games he plays with her. They wouldn't accept a sexual relationship with a patient.

"We'll see you next week, Dr. Smith." Fury says while standing up and walking away, Stark follows him.

"Thank you for your time." Allison says before they leave the meeting room.

Allison turns her attention from the closed door to Steve. "Steve, can I talk with you for a moment?"

Rogers brought his blue eyes back up to hers and nodded. He stood up and walked up to her.

"Can I borrow your key to take James outside tomorrow night?" Allison asks with begging eyes.

Steve rubs his beard while he thinks. "I don't think that's a good idea, If Tony or Fury finds out.. they are going to be mad and maybe even send you home if something goes wrong."

Allison understood Steve but she still wanted to take James outside. "Please Steve, fresh air would do him good. It's only to go into the garden. I promise we won't leave the property."

"It could help him with his progress." He thinks out loud.

It wasn't really a question but Allison still replies to it, "Yes, exactly! I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important. And it would also be great to find the trust back between the two of you."

The flash of a warm grin played along Steve's lips. "Okay fine." He takes the key and gives it to Allison.

"Thank you so much Steve, I will bring it back to you monday." Allison says excitedly.

"That would be great." He replies with a smile.

"Oh and Steve, if you come downstairs to talk with James, treat him like a human being. Not like a person that needs to be fixed but as your best friend." Allison explains while putting the key in her bag.

"I will keep it in mind." He replies before he walks away and says his goodbye.

Allison took her stuff, walked back to the elevator to go back to James and informed him about the meeting.

James was thankful that Steve wanted to talk to him.

James was thankful that Steve wanted to talk to him

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Word count: 1407

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