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╔═━━━━━▒ ۞ ▒━━━━━═╗NEVER THE SAME! epilogue╚═━━━━━▒ ۞ ▒━━━━━═╝

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THE WARM BREEZE was welcome to Diana's skin as she gazed out at the sunrise that shone beautifully against the lake in front of her, her hair blowing softly in the wind that surrounded her like a hug. The chirping of distant birds and the hum of nature around her brought a serenity that she hadn't held in a long time.

The giggling of the village kids behind her brought her back to reality and she looked over her shoulder to see Shuri approaching her. A smile adorned the young girl's face as she assessed the knee scooter that Diana was on.

"I have a boot that'll be ready for you this afternoon, how are your toes?" Shuri asked, and Diana furrowed her eyebrows.

"A boot? I'm still surprised to have a foot, what do you mean you have a boot?" Diana asked. She looked down at her toes that peeked out from the cast and wiggled them slightly. "I still don't have feeling in some of them."

"I'll fix that before we get the boot on but you should be walking on your own in your dirty converse in six months." Shuri smiled.

Disbelief flooded her senses as she looked out at the water once more. She had no idea what to say, Diana thought for sure that her career of fighting against world-ending threats was over.

"Thank you, really." Diana looked over at Shuri. "I don't know what to say."

Shuri smiled. She looked like she was going to give Diana one of her signature sarcastic remarks, maybe something about "Broken White People", but a rustling of the cover over the entrance to Bucky's hut stopped the princess. The two turned around to see a group of kids running out of the hut, giggling.

The young girl smiled once more as the kids ran up to greet them. Their hugs were endearing to Diana as they even gently hugged her, being mindful of the scooter she was in.

"Are you playing around with that man again?" Shuri asked the boy that still clung to her.

Protests sounded out as if they didn't watch the kids run out of the hut. Diana knew what they were doing— she'd woken up to them in her hut a couple of times before, sometimes requesting certain things to be made or replaced. Though Diana could only make so much, there was something about the vibranium; she couldn't make objects that contained the material, which was most things the kids asked for. It always broke Diana's heart when she had to tell their little faces "no".

"Yes you are, you're teasing him!" Shuri's laugh reverberated through her words.

When more movement came from the hut, it was like Shuri's chastising of the village kids faded to the background. Bucky stepped out. Half of his hair was up in a bun that Diana taught him to make and he wore a red tunic similar to Diana's but a sling to cover the spot where his arm should've been. The orange light reflected off his skin beautifully as he slowly made his way down to the water where Shuri and Diana were.

Never the Same | b. barnes ²Where stories live. Discover now