chapter five | a moment of peace

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a moment of peace
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╔═━────━▒ ۞ ▒━────━═╗CHAPTER FIVEa moment of peace╚═━────━▒ ۞ ▒━────━═╝

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THE STILLNESS OF the forest was a type of peace Diana had never known. Growing up in New York, she only knew the bustling of the city that never sleeps and the distant hum of car engines and the typical sound of people. There was none of that in the woods she sat in now. There was the faint chirp of birds speaking to each other and chittering of squirrels as they ran around, scrounging for food.

The quiet is what was able to get Diana to calm down so quickly, the peacefulness of wildlife around her gave her a simple thing to focus on until her breathing slowed to a normal pace. The cracking of the leaves behind her made her spin around, a raised fist with a glow of energy armed at the person. The pregnant woman that Diana disregarded on her way past had a wrapped sandwich and a glass of water stood with wide eyes.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry," Diana pleaded, lowering her fist and letting the energy fizz away, the woman waved her off, dismissing the transgression as a whole.

"Clint wasn't joking about how those glowing eyes look," the woman cracked a smile, making Diana tilt her head in confusion.

"Glowing eyes?" She asked, making the woman stop in her tracks, her eyebrows furrowing in the same manner as Dianas.

"You didn't know?" She asked as she held out the sandwich and drink, "Clint said he was starving after Loki's mind control and I don't think you had the chance to eat since they loaded you onto the jet."

Diana couldn't stomach the idea of food after the news she got after she woke up, but this woman went through the trouble of making her food and waddling out to the woods just to bring it to her and she didn't want to waste the woman's efforts.

"I never really used my powers in the mirror, it was a concrete cell, then that ship, and that brief moment in the shower but I wasn't even sober at that point," Diana rambled as she gently took the food, "thank you for this by the way."

"I'm Laura, Clint didn't get to introduce you since Thor had to carry you in," Laura smiled, Diana glanced down at her pregnant stomach and widened her eyes at the connection from the woman to the little girl that handed her the burner phone.

"He said he didn't have a girlfriend but that's because he has a wife," Diana gasped after swallowing her first bite, "god, I would be a terrible detective."

Laura laughed at Diana's reaction.

"Yeah, he wants to keep all this under the radar, to make it safer for the kids."

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