chapter fifteen | winning bets

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winning bets
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╔═━━━━━▒ ۞ ▒━━━━━═╗CHAPTER FIFTEEN winning bets╚═━━━━━▒ ۞ ▒━━━━━═╝

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THE WET RAG was cool in Diana's hand. Her knees had ached due to how long she had been on them. She had carded her fingers through Bucky's drying hair, her other hand dabbed at the sweltering wound on his forehead where apparently decided to headbutt the glass of a helicopter window from what Steve had told her. Diana had also decided to wipe the extra dirt off Bucky's face as well, but the rag had mainly focused on the knot.

She didn't stop when Sam scolded her, citing the times when she was bleeding because of the Soldier inside. She didn't stop when Steve suggested that she take a break. She didn't stop when Bucky finally woke up.

He jerked his head initially, his hair falling in his face again. Diana only pushed it out of the way before putting the cool rag back.

"You have a good-sized bump on you," Diana smiled, "good job, Barnes."

Bucky's eyebrows pinched together as she continued her actions. Sam had walked off only a few minutes before Bucky awoke to join Steve in watching for the police, so they were alone.

"Do you need any water?" Diana asked as she grabbed a loose rock and turned it into a bottle of water.

"Why are you being so..." Bucky trailed off, "Nice?"

"Why wouldn't I be? You haven't done anything for me to hate you," Diana shrugged, she took a swig of the water she made and watched as he looked at her incredulously.

"But," His eyes were locked onto the scar on her neck, the dried blood from her latest wound, and the old gunshot wound on her arm, "I've put you through so much pain."

"They made you into a weapon," Diana corrected, "You know how I know you're not as bad as everyone makes you out to be?"

Bucky shook his head as he looked at her with a sense of curiosity.

"The Winter Soldier doesn't hold back, he breaks out of pods made with reinforced steel and throws people like they're nothing," Diana explained, "But Bucky Barnes stayed in that pod knowing that the whole time he could break out at any given moment, you're a good person, you just need some people to see that."

Bucky was silent after that. Diana stood up, her knees cracking when she did that and she winced at the pain in her back, she assumed being hunched in the same position for thirty minutes doesn't help back issues. She sighed softly as she finished the water and turned the empty bottle back into a rock, same with the wet rag.

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