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"do you remember that one time?"
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never the same | mini blurbs

what was diana doing for a year? well let's find out.

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the runny nose of doom
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DIANA NORMALLY ENJOYED seeing her breath in the air when she walked the streets of New York. She loved the snow that brought Christmas. But this year things were so very different. There were people in her life that are now gone. There were repressed memories that the sight of snow seemed to bring back. And the sting of her nose paired with the warm liquid dripping down her lip.

She had assumed that her nose was runny but when the crimson shade reflected against her finger, she knew that her nose was bleeding. Diana hasn't faced a nosebleed from cold weather in years, normally her nose was moist enough to prevent this, but she was on her way to the shop to pick up her car, after not having to use it for a while, it needed a tune-up and the weight of her shopping bags was beginning to annoy her.

Diana thought she would make it to the shop just fine. But it seems her brain decided to take a different path for the day. And it all was kickstarted by the glimpse of her blood as it bounced and splattered on the slush of the snow on the sidewalk.

Her vision went dark as she suddenly found herself surrounded by trees, the feeling of her body moving against her will made her muscles stiffen and tense up so tight, it felt like they were in agony.

It was the firm hands of a stranger shaking her back to the present that helped Diana to ground herself back to the pavement of the New York streets.

"Are you okay, Miss?" The man asked, his concerned eyes bored into hers as his grey hair was sprinkled with drops of snow, he has been walking outside for a while. The lines in his face contorted to show off the visible worry.

"I-I'm fine," Diana stuttered our, looking around, squinting to look at the street signs, "I just have to get to... to..."

She had forgotten where the shop was until she looked at the building she stood outside of. She was only a few blocks away from her old home, the shop was two streets down.

"Do you need medical assistance?" The man asked.

"No!" Diana sharply answered as she diverted herself back to the elderly man who took a step back to give her some space, she coughed at the abruptness that probably startled him into stepping back, "I'm sorry, that was rude, uh, no, I just have to get home, thank you."

The man seemed satisfied with her answer, giving her a nod, he continued on his way as if they never talked at all, as if he was just wanting to get through his one good deed of the day and to turn tail and race home to get out of the cold.

Diana shook her head with a sigh, rolling her shoulders back in an attempt to release the tension. She couldn't do anything for her bleeding nose at the moment except for getting to the napkins in her car that still sat in the shop, waiting for her to return.

She would have to talk to Beth about this moment tomorrow when she has her next session. Because what the absolute fuck just happened?

Never the Same | b. barnes ²Where stories live. Discover now