marvel shorts 1/2

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"do you remember that one time?"
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never the same | mini blurbs

what was diana doing for a year? well let's find out.

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how to be a failure 101
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"FOCUS! FOCUS! FUCK!" Natasha yelled, jamming her fingers down onto the button of the controller in her hands, "Jesus Christ Renfrey, where is your head today, you literally never lose at this level."

Diana frowned at the giant "YOU LOSE" on her side of the TV screen, this was her third time seeing it and she wasn't sure if her eyebrows could furrow any deeper than they have at the moment. Her confusion clouded her brain.

"I'm not sure," was all she said, she set the controller down on her blanket-covered lap, a sneezing was itching its way up her nose as she stretched her hands out trying to get them to relax, "maybe it's cause I'm sick so I can't focus properly."

Natasha hummed at the response and nodded.

"Maybe it isn't the best time to play this then, we'll just go ahead and watch a movie or something," Natasha offered and Diana sent the woman a grateful smile.

Natasha grabbed Diana's controller and began shutting down the game and getting Netflix pulled up for the pair to watch. Now that Diana didn't have to put her attention onto anything in particular, she felt her shoulders relax and her jaw finally unclench from the stress of Natasha's yelling and trying to avoid the imminent death that her character faced in the game.

When Natasha finally settled onto the chair next to the couch, Wanda appeared in the room, or more so, just walked in, undetected by the sick blonde. A bowl with steam rising was carefully perched in the brunette's hands, a soft smile on her face.

"My mother would make Pietro and I this anytime we got sick," Wanda spoke softly as she stepped over and sat down next to Diana, handing the soup over, with a wave of her hand, red wisps coating her fingers, a spoon floated into the room and landed in Wanda's hand, then directly offering it to Diana to use.

"Thank you," Diana spoke softly as she accepted the utensil and got to work on the soup.

It was warm and delicious. The broth soothed her throat and the smell of the spices, combined with the steam cleared her sinuses. Diana wished she had more but at the same time, when she finally set the bowl down on the coffee table to be washed later, fatigue was clouding her mind. She was finally able to breathe clearly for the first time in days and she didn't want to pass up the opportunity to sleep.

Diana didn't even realize what she was doing until Wanda's fingers carded through her hair, her head was on the brunette's lap and her droopy eyes finally closed, allowing her to drift off to sleep peacefully.

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t is for trauma
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THE ROOM WAS quiet and smelled like fruit.  The pale green walls were made even paler as the sun shone through the windows with no blinds. Diana was silent since she sat down. She couldn't help but assess everything in the room, she mainly eyed the windows, analyzing the locks on the bottom panes.

Never the Same | b. barnes ²حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن