Chapter 35

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Over the next week, Stella, Shane, MacKenzie and Lucas all got ready to head to New York. Walker paid for a full check-up on Stella's car to make sure that everything was in excellent condition so that they wouldn't have to worry about the car breaking down. Stella told him that he didn't have to do that but he didn't care. He wanted to, for her safety and so that he didn't worry as much.

Lucas and Shane were so excited and the way they were acting was like they had never been on a road trip even though they had. Benny and Stella had avoided each other so that they wouldn't have to discuss what happened between them and the news they had found out.

When it came time for them to leave they made sure they had everything they would need and want for the trip.

"Be careful and drive safely. Also watch out for the other drivers." Walker warned.

"I know dad, I'm not a new driver." Stella rolled her eyes with a smile.

"I know you're not." He smiled back at her.

They all said their goodbyes, loaded into Stella's car and headed out for New York.

"New York here we come!" Lucas called out the window once they were in the highway.

"I'm so happy that I came with you guys." Shane smiled.

Stella glanced over at him with a smile, "Well, I'm happy that you came along with us. I love spending time with you."

"I love spending time with you too." He grabbed one of her hands and kissed the back of it.

"You know, they were like this back in high-school too." Lucas said quietly to Mackenzie.

"Oh I can imagine." MacKenzie said quietly back.

At the same time she spoke, Stella spoke too, "Hey I heard that." She had giggled and glanced back at him in the rearview mirror.

"Yeah and?" He gave her a cheesy smile, "What I said wasn't a bad thing at all."

"Yeah I know." She grinned.

"I still love her as much as I did break in school." Shane grinned.

"And I still love you the same too." She grinned back at him.

"As you two grow old together, you'll start to love each other more and more each day." MacKenzie stated.

"We know." Shane and Stella said in unison.

"So you two are still going strong? You guys have been spending a lot of time together." She glanced in the rearview mirror at them.

"Oh of course." MacKenzie grinned and looked at Lucas.

"She right, I'm happy that she wanted to be my girlfriend." He said as looked at MacKenzie, "I've really fallen for her. Ever since I met her, I can't get her off my mind. I'm getting to the point of that I don't just want her, I need her also." The whole time he was talking, he was looking MacKenzie in the eyes.

"Awe." Stella cooed.

"I feel the same way you do. I've never had this feeling before but it's a great feeling."

They the kissed passionately and didn't stop until Stella cleared her throat while glancing at them then giggled.

"Oh hush Stells, you and Shane would probably be kissing too if it weren't for you driving." MacKenzie smirked.

"Maybe." She smirked back.

They figured since there were 4 of them they would drive straight through without stopping at a hotel since it was roughly only a 5 hour drive. The only time they stopped was for food and restroom breaks, then if they seen something cool, they would stop to take pictures.

Even though they weren't on the road that long they all agreed that it felt a lot longer. It was fairly late be time they got to the apartment, they really didn't want to unload the car, but knew it had to be done so they did bring it up.

They all changed clothes then relaxed in the living room.

"Gah, why is traveling so exhausting? All you do is sit in a damn vehicle." MacKenzie whined a little.

"Is hard telling." Stella shook her head, "I wish I knew."

"So tomorrow we'll show you guys around the city." MacKenzie told them.

"Along the places we like to hang out at." Stella nodded her head once.

"Sweet, that will be fun." Lucas grinned.

"Hell yeah it will." Shane grinned with him.

They then decided to go to bed. But before the girls went to their rooms with the guys, Stella pulled MacKenzie back into the living room.

"What's up?" She questioned.

Stella spoke in a whisper, "Some time tomorrow we need to go to the store and I need you to distract the guys."

"Uh, why?"

"I...well Tom was was supposed to visit me by now and it hasn't."

Tom was a nickname the girls use for their time of the month, this way no one would really know what they meant.

"Uh oh, that's not good. I mean really it's not a bad thing if you were because you and Shane are in love. But you've also been under a lot of stress."

Stella grabbed MacKenzie's upper arms, "Kenz, you don't understand. There's a possibility that if I am pregnant, that's its not Shane's."

"Whose else would-" She didn't finish her sentence when Stella gave her a 'so do you think' look so instead she said, "Ohh, yeah, that definitely wouldn't be good."

"Uh no, that most certainly would not be good. It would be a disaster."

They decided to drop the subject for the night and go to bed before one of the guys came out of the bedrooms wondering where they were.

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