Chapter 29

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After dinner was over, Walker told Stella that he had something for her in the family room, so he wanted her to follow him in there. She raised her eyebrows and did what he asked. When they all got into the family room, he told her to close her eyes so she did. When it was time, she opened them and in front of her was the most beautiful dress she had ever seen.

She breathed out, "Oh my gosh." She then walked to the dress, "What's this dress for?" She asked cluelessly.

"Well, tomorrow night I'm having a formal dinner so you and your brother are invited to come."

"Oh cool, but what about Tony and Mackenzie?"

"Oh, I've got plans already with Lucas anyways and I'm going to take that chance to come to New York with us."

"Oh okay." Stella smiled.

They talked for a little while longer then everyone went home but before they had left, Stella made sure to grab a few things from her old room that she would want to take back to New York with her. She knew that she would be back to the house the next night but she wanted to grab them so she wouldn't forget.

Once they were back at the house they all changed into clothes that was more comfortable and began to relax. They all then hung out in the living room together for a little while then they went to bed.


The next day, Stella didn't wake up until around noon. After she got up, she began getting ready for the nights event. She figured with her dad having a formal dinner she wanted to look absolutely perfect. She wasn't going to put her dress on until she got read to leave so she wouldn't mess it up. For now, instead of the dress, she put on shorts and a tank top. As she came downstairs she heard Mackenzie talking to someone.

"All right Tony. See ya there."

"Bye." She heard Tony say then seen him walk out of the house.

"What was that about?" Stella asked as she walked over to the couch and sat down next to Mackenzie.

"What? Oh, well, um, me, Lucas, Tony and Jayme are going to hang out together."

"Really now?" Somehow Stella didn't believe her because of the way she had answered, "And what are you 4 people going to do today?"

"Well...probably go get some food then go bowling or something." 


"What are you going to do until you have to go to your dad's house?"

"Just relax here." She shrugged.

"Hey, in a couple days, it will be your birthday." Mackenzie smiled.

"Yeah I know." Stella nodded.

"Well, if we're not on the road, what are you going to do for your birthday?"

"I don't know, probably nothing."

Mackenzie huffed out air, making her lips flap together, "Don't say that. We should go out to the club or something, that should be fun." 

Stella thought about it and smiled while nodded, "Yeah, that would be fun."

Lucas then rang the doorbell so Stella got up and answered the door then let him into the house.

"Hey Lucas, you're looking good today." Stella smiled as he walked in.

"Thanks, I just put on the first nice thing I seen."

"Well, you look like you're going somewhere special."

"Of course I am." He then remembered he couldn't tell her where he was actually taking Mackenzie, "I'm going to be with Mackenzie and so everywhere I go with her is special to me."

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