Chapter 14

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"Aren't you going to change?" MacKenzie asked after she came downstairs.

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?"

"Oh nothing is wrong with it, I mean you look hot."

"Why thank you. So do you by the way." Stella grinned.

"Thank you. Where's Madison?"

"She already left." Aiden answered, "You must missed her."

"What time is it?"

Stella looked at her cellphone, "It would be 6:15."

"Wow, he came and got her early."

"Yeah, he said he had something special planned for her." Stella smiled.

"Awe." MacKenzie also smiled.

"And poor Aiden here is going to be all alone tonight." Stella giggled, patting his knee.

"Oh well, I'm used to it because Tony's usually always gone so I'll survive."

Both girls laughed softly as there was a knock on the door. Since MacKenzie was the only one standing up, she decided to answer the door.

"Well, Benny, you sure are here early."

"Oh, um yeah, I am. I was wondering if you girls didn't mind if we went to Washington Dc." Benny stated as he walked into the house.

"Oh whew, I thought you were going to cancel on us." Stella sighed happily.

"Ah hell no, I would never do that to you unless it was a life or death situation." Benny chuckled, "So, you girls ready?"

"Yes we are." MacKenzie nodded.

"So, who is this guy you brought for miss Kenz here?" Stella questioned as she stood up.

"You'll see, but I thought your name was MacKenzie."

"It is, but Stella calls me Kenz for short."

"Ah okay."

They said their goodbyes to Aiden then went and got into Benny's suv. That's when they noticed that the guy Benny brought was his brother, Lucas. MacKenzie didn't have a problem with that because she thought he was cute.

"Something told me it would be your twin brother." Stella smirked.

"And is that a problem?" Lucas smirked.

"Not at all." Stella giggled.

As they went to D.C they blasted the music while singing along with some of the songs. Stella and MacKenzie also told them about living in New York.

When they got to the club, MacKenzie and Stella was amazed how nice it was. Both girls offered to pay for themselves to get in but neither Benny nor Lucas would let them. As Lucas put it, the gentleman should always pay when they are the ones that invited to take the girls out.

A few minutes after getting into the club, a song came on that the 2 girls liked so they pulled the 2 guys out onto the dance floor. As they were dancing, the girls would dance with each other then go back to dancing with the guys.

After the song was over they went and got themselves something to drink than sat down at one of the tables.

"So what was that out there?" Benny asked them then took a drink.

"It's called dancing." Stella snickered.

"Well no shit, but there were a few times you two girls were dancing with each other. And in a way that didn't look innocent." Lucas chuckled.

"You think we should tell them?" MacKenzie asked looking at Stella.

"Tell us what?" Benny raised an eyebrow.

The girls continued looking at each other and smiled while saying at the same time, "We should tell them."

"Well Stella and me here went to college together. That's where we met actually and we became the best of friends."

"Yup, we went to parties together and everything. Well one night we were drunk." Stella had continued.

"We kinda got kicked out of a party because we were partying too much. I think they were just jealous because they weren't having a much fun like we were." MacKenzie giggled.

"Anyways, we went back to our dorm and had a little fun of our own." Stella finished.

"A little fun of your own?" Lucas asked.

"Do we need to spell it out?" MacKenzie giggled, shaking her head.

Both guys smiled while nodding so the girls looked at each other smiling ear to ear. They leaned in closer acting as if they were going to kiss then quickly moved away.

"That's too bad. One, we're not drunk enough and two of you guys can't figure it out yourself then you're stupid." Stella laughed.

"Hey! We're not stupid!" Both guys laughed.

"Then figure it what we did once we got back to the dorm." MacKenzie smiled then took a long drink of her beer.

"I can only imagine." Benny chuckled.

"Oh I bet you can." Stella winked. She looked at MacKenzie and smiled ear to ear then looked back at Benny and Lucas, "We'll tell you if you do something for us."

"Really now? And what would that be?" Benny raised an eyebrow.

"You two. " Stella rest her chin on her fist, "If you really want to know then we want you two to kiss."

"Kiss who?" Lucas asked.

"Duh, each other." Stella giggled.

"Oh hell no. That's sick, I mean we're brothers, meaning incest." Benny cringed with Lucas cringing with him.

Both girls busted up laughing, "We are totally kidding!"

"You think we'd actually make you do that?" Stella asked.

"Well you were pretty crazy when we were teenagers."

"Lucas Timothy Hart!"

"Woah, the whole name. But just so you know I meant that in a good way."

"Yeah, uh huh sure." Stella laughed.

"I did!"

"I know you meant that."

"The thing I noticed though was during school you acted like miss goodie two shoes, you still acted like our friend of course, but when we were hanging out with us away from school you acted like this, um, Riot girl." Been pointed out.

Stella frowned and looked down, "I'm sorry."

Benny put his hand on her shoulder, "Hey it's okay. You don't have to be sorry for that. I shouldn't have brought up the subject."

"Well, you were only speaking the truth."

"How about we try to forget I mentioned it and have a great time. That's what we came her for in the first place." Benny suggested.

They all agreed and continued drinking then every now and then they went out onto the dance floor. Every now and then it was just the girls then the rest of the time it was all of them.

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