Chapter 37

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Once they were at the club, the bouncer started to charge Stella and her friends but she stopped him.

"Do you not realize who I am?"

After that question, he looked at her again and instantly recognized her so he apologized and let them in.

"You girls must be regulars." Lucas smirked and they just grinned at him.

"Stella, darling!" John, the guy who runs the club, exclaims, "How was your trip?"

"It was interesting to say the least." She then introduced him to the guys.

"Mm that's a good catch." John whispered in Stella's ear about Shane.

Stella giggled, "Yup, I thought so too. But hey, I want to talk to you in private here in a few minutes. Just let me get them a table first."

John moved then they found a empty a table and sat down.

Lucas then spoke up, "So, John seems..." He then did the hand motion that people usually to mean someone's gay.

Stella giggled, "That's because he is. Him and his boyfriend, Miguel, have been together quite a few years."

"Miguel owns a gay bar about a mile from here." MacKenzie added.

"Have you girls been there?" Shane asked and they said they had.

"You guys would get hit on like crazy in that place." MacKenzie grinned.

"And why is that?" Shane asked. 

The girls looked at each other then back at them and said in unison, "Uh, because you guys are hot duh."

"Ah well, we don't plan on going in that place regardless." Lucas said and Shane agreed.

After a few minutes Stella left the table so she could go talk to John. After she found him, they went into the office and she proceeded, telling him she wanted to move to Maryland. After she found out that he still wants the place, she told him that she would sign the deed over to him but he declined. He didn't want to have a place that was given to him but have one that he had bought with his hard earned money.

They agreed on having an assessor come look at the place to see what it was worth then she would charge him half the amount since they are friends. She mentioned that first thing Monday she would get all the paperwork and find a good assessor to survey the place.

They then talked about her recent trip then she went and joined her friends.

"So what was that about? Everything okay?" Shane asked as Stella sat back down at the table.

"Oh yeah, everything is fine." She nodded, "Just business stuff."

She then told them about her owning the place but is selling it to John. After they were done talking about the club, they decided to go out and dance.

When it was closing time, Stella helped close up the place. MacKenzie, Lucas and Shane wanted to help so she let them. After they were done, they all went outside and talked to some of the workers before leaving.

Before they could leave though, someone snuck up and tried to rob them. One of the bouncers, Mike, came up behind him and grabbed his arms about the same time Shane went to grab the knife from the guy. He did get it but not before he got hand sliced open.

The police were called and a medical team came, checking on his hand.  He got lucky and didn't need stitches though.

"That was a close call." Stella sighed once they were heading home.

"Ain't that the truth." Lucas agreed.

"That's the disadvantage to living in a big city." MacKenzie shrugged one shoulder, "I've lived around here my whole life."

As soon as they got home they decided to go to bed since they had a very long night. They also knew the next few weeks would be very hectic with Stella selling the business and the girls packing up their apartment. They decided on having a moving company haul their stuff from New York to Maryland, knowing it would be easier in the long run.

Stella found out that she wasn't pregnant and she was somewhat relieved that she wasn't because of timing.


When the girls moved to Maryland, instead of finding their own places, Stella moved in with Shane while MacKenzie moved in with Lucas.

It took a month after they all got back for Stella and Benny to finally be able to see and talk to each other. They agreed to forget what happened between them and move on from it.

Judy and Walter explained the whole situation between them when it came to why they kept the secret about Stella being Judy's daughter. They knew it would be better in the long run for Walker to raise Stella. Judy apologized to her children for keeping the secret from them and they forgave her just like everyone forgave Walker for keeping the secret.

Betty decided that it was only right that Shane and Stella gets to see Jasmine all the time. Jasmine knows they are her biological parents and the whole story behind the reason she was adopted and not with them.

A year later Shane and Stella finally got married, they had a small wedding, only inviting close family and friends. At the reception Benny made everyone laugh at his statement of....

"About damn time these two are married."

Everyone knew they were destined to be together. Then a year after they were married they had a little boy, so they named him after Shane. Everybody agreed that he looked exactly like his daddy so Stella joked that she had nothing to do with his creation, only carried him in her womb.

MacKenzie and Lucas got married and soon after had a baby of their own, who was a girl. They joked saying Shane and Stella's boy and MacKenzie and Lucas's girl could grow up together, and maybe fall in love like they all did.

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