Chapter 7

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"Hey son, Emily said you went to the diner but didn't stay. What happened?" Walker said once he walked into Aidens house.

"Yeah, had some stuff go down. I fired Kelly because she was being rude and I couldn't have that."

Stella walked out of the living room and just stopped. She hadn't expected to see her dad standing there by the door.

"Stella?" He asked, shocked.

"Daddy!" She shrieked, ran over and hugged him.

He hugged her back, "I've missed you so much. When did you get back?"

"Yesterday afternoon. I was going to come see you today." She smiled weakily as she broke the hug.

"Aiden didn't tell me you were in town."

"I just found out last night through Tony. He said he ran into you at the store." Aiden said looking at Stella.

"Yeah he did. He actually seen me before I seen him."

"Why didn't you come to the house as soon as you got in?" Walker grumbled.

"I know I should have but I didn't, I'm sorry. But I had friends that came in town with me. They're at the hotel now."

"Hotel? Well I won't have that. You and your friends can stay with me."

"Or me." Aiden spoke up.

"I don't want to be in the way."

"That's nonsense! You are family Stella and so neither you nor your friends will be in the way."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course we are sure." Aiden smiled.

"Okay. So where's Abigail at?"

"She lives in California now, she is a model. She's just like our mother, I swear she's molded right out of her ass." Aiden chuckled.

"Yeah, she's my daughter but I have to agree with you. You two on the other hand are just like me. And I think you're mother kind of hated the fact I was always closer to you two than I was with Abigail."

"Dad, why didn't you stop mom from sending me away? Why didn't you tell her not to send me away?"

"Believe me, I tried to stop her but you know how hard headed she was. If she wanted something done she was going to have it done no matter what anyone said to her."

"Yeah that's true." She sighed.

"So where did you get that necklace? It looks like it has a few years on it."

"Oh, umm, Shane got it for me for my 16th birthday."

"Well I've never seen it before, until now that it is."

"That's because I hid it from you and mom. I wasn't sure how you two would have acted but I was sure that you would have flipped out."

"Your mom would have but I wouldn't have. Everytime she would have said something I kept my mouth shut. He was a nice boy Stella."

"Then why did Shane tell Aiden that you told him that if he loved me he would go away?"

"I said that for his sake because you're mom didn't like him and would have done everything possible to make him wish he had gone away if he didn't."

By this time she had tears in her eyes, "But we were away from each other already because she sent me away! Then she told me that he killed himself because of me. You know how bad that hurt?" She cried, "When I came back for mom's funeral I found out that he was still alive. I didn't go up to him because I knew that I would be going back to finish my last year of school so I couldn't do that to him nor myself."

"I know sweetie and I'm sorry I didn't tell you she was lying."

"It's okay." She wiped her tears away, "Listen, can one of you take me to the hotel to tell the girls that we'll stay at one of your guys house?"

"Whose house you going to stay at?" Walker questioned.

"How many rooms does this house have Aiden?"

"This house has 4 rooms, Tony and me are taking up 2 of them though."

"Well of course you two are since you live together." She giggled, "Anyways, dad do you still live in the house we used to live in before I was sent away?"

"Yeah I do. Why are you asking us this?"

"Okay, I hope this doesn't make you mad but I'm going to stay with Aiden while I'm here. I just don't want to go back to that house right now. I mean mom treated me so badly there."

"I understand and I'm not mad that you want to stay here. I've got to get going anyways. Judy is probably home by now."


"Yup, Judy Hart is dad's new girlfriend."

"Why does that name sound so familiar? Oh my God. Doesn't she have two sons named Benny and Lucas then a younger daughter named Jayme?"

"And an older son named Bobby. But yes, it's the same Judy." Aiden answered.

"Woo, way to go dad." Stella giggled as she tapped her first on his upper arm. Walker went home home so Aiden took her back to the hotel. She told the girls about the plan to stay at her brother's house and they were all for that. MacKenzie and Madison kinda of didn't like the idea of sharing a bed together but said they could tolerate it.

When they got back to his house, he told the girls that there was a party he was thinking of going to go to and of course the girls said that he should go. He decided to go and asked them to go with him so they got ready and headed out.

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