Chapter 17

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They made sure to go to the police station and tell them everything that had been happening and about Aiden and Madison missing. Tony stayed home the next couple days to make sure Stella would be okay.

On days that it was time to order supplies, the girls went with Tony to the diner. The girls would try to eat a little bit but they were so worried that they couldn't eat a lot.

"I heard what's going on. Sorry to hear that." Kelly walked up and said to them.

"Oh yeah right. Like you even care about me, my family or my friends."

Yeah you're right, I don't but no one deserves what you all are going through."

"You don't care what I'm going through because you are the one who is doing this shit to me." Stella spat out as she stood up.

"Excuse me?" Kelly crossed her arms while staring at her.

"You heard me Kelly."

Kelly looked at Stella and started to slap her but Shane stepped up and grabbed her arm to stop her.

"Babe, don't so that."

"You should defend me not this loser, hell she broke your heart. You would be a dad if it wasn't for her giving it away."

"How did you know that?" Both Stella and Shane asked at the same time.

"Oh, I have my ways you stupid slut!"

Stella started to lunge at Kelly but Shane stepped in between them as MacKenzie grabbed Stella.

Tony quickly came out of the office, "Okay, Kelly, out now."

"You can't kick me out. You don't even own the place."

"I can and I will. Now out before I call the police."

"Woo, I'm scared." Kelly said sarcastically.

"Out!" Tony barked while pointing towards the door.

Kelly rolled her eyes, glared at Stella then walked out of the diner.

"Sorry for the way she's acting." Shane said to them.

"It's not your fault." Stella spoke softly.

"I just don't understand why she's acting this way." He sighed, running his hand through his hair.

"Because she's jealous that Stella came back and is more mature." MacKenzie smirked.

Shane shrugged, "I gotta go before Kelly goes haywire again." He sighed and started to walk off but Stella stopped him.

"Wait Shane, uhm, why are you with her if she acts like this?"

He just looked at her while frowning and shrugged then left .

Stella sighed, shaking her head, "Tony are you done yet?"

"Almost, but I need to just fax the order forms then lock up the office."

"Okay, well after you do that can we please go home?"

"Yeah, of course." He nodded then walked back into the office.

The girls sat back down and waited for him. As they were waiting, MacKenzie's phone began to ring so she answered it. She hung up a few seconds later and looked at Stella.

"That was Madi, she only talked a few seconds then hung up."


"The only thing she said was that her and Aiden are okay. The person that has them wouldn't hurt them and that we should leave a soon as we can."

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