Chapter 12

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The next morning Stella got woke up by her cellphone ringing but she pushed the silence button. She laid there tossing and turning trying to go back to sleep but wasn't having any luck. She got up, grabbed her phone and walked downstairs to see Tony, Aiden, MacKenzie and some girl she didn't recognize.

"Hey Everyone."

"Hey, you're awake." Aiden smiled.

"Yeah, well I probably would have been still asleep if my phone wouldn't have rang." Stella told him as she sat down in one of the chairs.

"You sleep good?" MacKenzie asked.

"Yes I did. Where's Madison?"

"She went for a walk. You know she usually goes for a walk everyday when we were back home. She said she's not going to stop now that we're here. You hungry? Because I'm getting ready to cook breakfast." MacKenzie explained.

"I told you that you didn't have to." Aiden spoke up.

"Your point is?" MacKenzie giggled, standing up, "I want to cook."

"You're not going to change her mind Aiden. She loves to cook."

The girls giggled as MacKenzie walked into the kitchen and began cooking breakfast.

Stella then turned to the girl she didn't recognize and extended her hand, "Hi I'm Stella. What's your name?"

"I know who you are. You are good friends with my brothers. I'm Jayme Hart." She shook Stella's hand.

"Oh my gosh Jayme? Wow, you've grown up so much. Last time I seen you I was around 15 and you were like 12."

"Yup, it's been awhile. "

"How have you been?" Stella asked as he phone beeped.

"I've been good and you?"

"Same goes for me. Excuse me, I'm going to check my voicemail." Stella stood up, walked into the dining room and listened to the message.

"Well, well, you didn't listen to me when I told you not to tell Shane about the baby you gave away. Farewell then, you better leave town now or you ain't going to be seeing anyone again." The unknown person said. It was clear that whoever sent that message had disguised their voice.

"Aiden!" Stella called out as she hurried back into the living room.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he stood up.

"I...I... listen to this." She replayed the message again on speaker.

"Oh my." Jayme gasped once the message was over.

"We are going to find out whose doing this shit." Aiden groaned.

"Listen Jayme, what you heard on this message, you got to promise me to keep it in this room. Don't tell anyone what you just heard please." Stella told her.

"I promise I won't tell anyone." She agreed.

"Hey breakfast is... what's wrong?" MacKenzie asked after she came into the living room.

"Stella just got a voicemail for her to leave town or she won't be seeing anyone again." Tony spat out.

"Oh my God!" MacKenzie exclaimed, "Who would do such a thing."

"I don't know. I've never had anyone do this kind of thing nor show hatred towards me before. Is still say it's Kelly doing this stuff."

"Kelly? You mean Shane's girl? Oh no, it couldn't be, she is so sweet. At least she has been to me." Jayme said to them.

"Look, Jayme I used to date Shane. We had a baby together when we were teens but I was forced not to tell him and to give the baby away. After all these years, I'm still in love with him. Kelly found out at the diner about me coming back and she said I should have stayed away." Stella explained.

"I guess it's just hard to believe that Kelly has, would do this."

"That's because you've never been a threat to her." Madison said from the doorway.

"I did hit on Shane once but that was before I knew him and Kelly were dating." Jayme shrugged.

"But you're not a threat to her like Stella is. I seen the way Kelly was looking at her. It was like... hatred or even jealousy." Madison stated as she handed Aiden his mail, "The mailman handed it to me as I was walking up."

"Oh okay." He said, taking it from her.

"Madi is right, I saw Kelly giving Stella that same look." MacKenzie confessed.

"Wow." Jayme breathed out.

"Stella, you got something here. A letter or something." Aiden told her.

"Who's it from?"

"It doesn't say." He handed her a small Manila envelope.

She looked confused as she took the envelope, "It has something kind of hard in it."

She then opened it up and pulled the contents out which had a note and some pictures.

Stella stated looking at the pictures and her mouth dropped, "Oh my God."

"What's wrong?" Tony asked.

"It's pictures of the baby I had. It's from when she was a baby up to the age she is today. There's a note with it."

"What's it say?" Aiden asked.

"It says... isn't she pretty? Too bad you gave her away. I hear she's very smart and talented. Well if she was still in your custody, she probably wouldn't be as smart and talented as she is today. Your loss is someone's gain."

"Can I see the pictures?" MacKenzie asked.

Stella nodded with tears in her eyes as she handed her the pictures.

"Wait, how do you know that this is the kid you had to give away?" Tony raised an eyebrow.

Stella didn't say anything at first and just pulled out the picture she had showed Shane, "I never told anyone I had this until last night when I told Shane. But I had a nurse take this picture and I've carried it with me everyday since I had it." She held the picture up.

"She's so beautiful Stells. Wait a minute I think I know who adopted your baby." MacKenzie told them.

"Seriously? Who?" Stella smiled.

Mackenzie looked at her then walked to the door, "I never go anywhere without my photo album." She then walked out to the car.

"Kenz, I dint think you packed it this time." Madison called out.

"No, I know I packed it." She answered as she went through the trunk then the car, "Damnit, it's not here! I could have swore I packed it."

"I didn't think you did."

"Crap, Tony can you take me to my mom's house? Me, her and my brothers are going out to lunch." Jayme asked when she noticed the time.

"Yeah of course, come on babe." With that Tony and Jayme left the house.

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