P R O L O G U E. Death knocking to the door.

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The tension in the air was unbearable. Members of Uchiha family lived in fear, the news coming from different clans were paralyzing. Months earlier clans Yamanaka, Izunuka, Aburame and Hyuga left Konoha afraid of their life. All of them fell.
The rebelions and assassinations of non shinobi turned to massive exterminations. They launched a new kind of weapon, filled with bullets and gunpowder - facing it, even highly skilled shinobi had low chances to survive.
The hate poisoned people's hearts, making them able to commit awful crimes on innocent lifes. That hate made them forget about all good that chakra warriors had done to them, how many times they protected them from themselves. Why? They used to live in peace before an old daimyo from Land of Rivers died and his place took the young, charismatic man, who held the grudge to all shinobi world. Fastly, he found the support in people, whose lands got destroyed during wars. Calling it "saving life of innocents", he encountered not to hold back the beasts living in the darkest corners of their souls.

Sasuke's mother and Itachi begged family elders to leave not save anymore Konoha and move to kind for shinobi, Land of Waterfalls.

" Uchihas are not cowards, we don't run away, we don't give up! "

Even if these words were beautiful, they judged the whole clan for death. Itachi couldn't agree on that, he collected some members to leave with him in time. But Fugaku didn't allow Mikoto and fourteen years old Sasuke to run away. Younger son didn't go against his will, naively believing in Uchiha's strength. Sharingan was one of the most powerful pupil abilities, even ninja had huge problems to fight them. Average people couldn't be a threat. Or so he thought.

"Wake up, Sasuke, now!!"

Terrified voice of Mikoto made Sasuke open his eyes weakly. Normally such tone could make him rapidly stand up, but this time something pulled him to fall asleep again. The air was heavy, he couldn't take a proper breath, lungs were burning inside his chest.

" Mom... what's... going... on?"

He asked weakly, coughting heavily.

Then, he felt that smell. The smell he wouldn't forget to the rest of his life.

The smell of burning wood and paper.
His house was in fire.

Mikoto with huge effort took her son's arm over her weak shoulders, directing them to the exit. Sasuke observed flames dancing on floor, climbing on curtains, lightening the celling and turning into ashes paper walls. The air thickened and darkened from choking smoke. He wanted to walk by himself, take mother out of there.

He had never felt that weak.

The celling broke in the next room, pushing a wave of hot air to them and flames got his pyjamas. Mikoto fastly throwed son's shirt away, but the fire touched his arm, back and neck. Sasuke felt how his skin burns, the pain was almost unbearable, but only weak scream left his throat. Mother tried to calm him down, but even if it hurt, they had to keep walking.

The corridor never seemed so long. Wooden support were cracking over their heads, the roof could fall on their heads any minute.

The screams, shouts and gunshots from outside got louder with every step. They made it to the exit, Uchiha woman tried to open the door. The metal handle burned her hand deeply, but these didn't even move an inch. She kicked the door couple of times, crying and screaming. Sasuke took all left strength to push the stubborn entrance. The flames touched their hair, from falling took them seconds. At last moment the door opened and they ran out of house, when suddenly it turned into ruin.

Sasuke and his mother rapidly took air in their lungs, but it was also hot and choking from smoke. As they turned around, they witnessed a massacre.

Uchiha people were running and screaming, holding kids in their arms. They tried to fight armed in blades and guns invaders. Nothing worked against their bullets.

Ground was soaked from blood of their family, covered by ash from their houses. There was no escape from these beasts, who laughed as they took innocent lifes.

Then he noticed Fugaku, wounded and exhausted, still fighting against three men.

"Mom, hide!"

He shouted to her. The adrenaline pumped in veins, fastly he took laying nearby katana and ran to his father. Defeating everyone on his way, Sasuke made the way to Fugaku, who hardly stood. Again, such short distance never felt that long, but this time was different.
He was so close to father, when suddenly Sasuke noticed a huge warrior behind him.

" Father, watch out!!!"

Sasuke screamed with all his lungs, but it was too late.

The swort came through Fugaku's body inside out. The man fell on his knees with face turned to Sasuke.

Before son could get to him, Uchiha leader fell lifeless on pavement.

Everything around became silent. Even a wild scream that left his throat. He... He was dead. Rage, fear, pain... Sasuke couldn't control them, came like a flood, paralyzed. He landed on his knees before father's body, moving his arm, waiting for any sigh of left life. Nothing. The blood boiled in veins, pierced his eyes, making them crimison.

His sharingan awoke.

Sasuke stood up, grabbed father's katana with shaking hands. Took a few breaths and looked. Bodies of his uncles, aunts and cousins were laying dead in their own liquids. He knew these twisted in pain faces won't leave him even in dreams.

Another few breaths. Eyes found still fighting people. He could save them. He had to protect his mother.

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