He felt like a million heartbeats of silence had passed until he could finally conclude that he had come undetected. Relaxing, he opened his eyes and looked around, observing the wooden buildings, muddy streets, and foggy skies. Grimacing, he sank deeper into the shadows, struggling to steady his racing heart. I'm in. He glanced around again. But where to start?

Deciding it was best to stay hidden for the time being, he continued on through the alleyways, skirting the piles of rubbish and listening intently for any sound of another person. His ears picked up a few voices from far away, but all was quiet near him. He quickly raced past an open space before returning to the dark back alleys, his gaze scanning everything around him. Where would she be in a place like this? he wondered with a shudder. It took another while of slipping around until he finally realized he would never find anyone like this. He had to get a better view through someplace more open. His breath quickened in fear, but he knew it was the only way. Swallowing back his nerves, he turned and began slinking up toward the main street again, pressing his back against the wall of a building. Broken shafts of light shone on the ground and he slowed his pace, his walk getting stiffer and stiffer the closer he got to the clearer roads. The distant footsteps and voices became louder and he turned to a large pile of junk, where a rickety fence hid the alley halfway. He hurried behind the fence and, standing beside the rubbish, peered over at the main street.

Shadows flittered over the pavement and the wind carried sounds of shouts and sneers. He winced and looked around desperately, trying to find some sort of sign as to where he might find who he was searching for. The pattering of footsteps reached his ears much clearer than before and voices drifted after them. The sounds became louder and louder until Cole started to make out words. Straining his ears, he shyly scanned the streets, making sure his face was still hidden in the darkness.

Suddenly, the voices rang straight to his ears and he turned his head toward them, but the building beside him shielded whoever was talking from his view.

"What should we do with it?" came a man's voice.

"Put it back where it came from!" Lloyd's voice snarled louder than the other. "Then get back to work!"

Cole's heart nearly leaped out of his chest and he threw himself back against the corner of the fence, breath quickening in fear. He felt himself begin to panic and he chewed at his lip, desperately trying to suppress his whimpers. Oh, no, no, no! This wasn't what was supposed to happen!

The clunking of Lloyd's footsteps radiated toward him and he let out a gasp of alarm before he could stop himself. Squeaking, he stuffed his fingers into his mouth before he could say anything else and closed his eyes, shaking as he waited to find if Lloyd had heard him.

The Baddie's footsteps paused.

Fear rose inside of Cole and he completely froze, his heart pounding so hard he was sure Lloyd could hear it. He chewed at his nails, his anxiety rising with every second of suspense. He wanted to sink deeper into the darkness but he was too scared to move. What if Lloyd heard him? Oh, please, don't find me!

He heard feet scuffing over the ground and a grunt of dismissal before Lloyd's footsteps started again and eventually began to fade into the distance. A wave of relief swamped over Cole and he sighed, trembling from head to toe. Breathing heavily, he closed his eyes to regain his senses, struggling to clear his mind again. That was close, he thought. Way too close. If Lloyd had caught him, who knew what would've happened? I might've collapsed right then and there for all I know.

Drawing in a deep breath, he stumbled away from the fence, staggering back into the shadows. I can't risk that again. Oh, no, I'll have to find a better way or else something worse might happen. Lloyd might come back or another Baddie might—

Darkness from Within #7: A Promise Broken (Ninjago Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now