"I see. But, I already knew that El Hombre wanted to change my powers because of this reason only, but.. apart from that he's growing stronger and I can't understand how we can stop him."

"Only one can stop him." Strange said.

"Who?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Strange wanted to talk about it, but since he was hesitant, and not make things go in a different direction, he just implies it in a vague way. "The person who can sustain the Crimson Sorcerer. Act as a neutral entity for reducing the rage of the sorcerer."

"A.. neutral entity? I don't get it? You mean, there's another being which exists with the Crimson Sorcerer?"

"For your curiosity, there is an abandoned chapter in the Darkhold, which was ripped away by them so that the chaos ensures to continue. Because they know, once the page was revealed, the evil would have vanished in seconds, and I believe that will find the answer to everything. I don't know about the neutral entity too, so you have to keep hope that at least, the entity takes it's occurance too. We only have hope with our side."

"I'm keeping hope about it too. But for that, I'm ready to do anything about it."

Strange used a magic spell that puts all the books aside, except the one still open beside Tony. "I want you, to use your abilities, to travel your mind into the past."

"Wait.. how can I do that? My magic isn't capable of that."

"But, the Darkhold does. Since ages, the Darkhold has been writing newer chapters, about the events of how violent the sorcerer can be. So, there must be a history about it, too. But.."

"But.. what?" Tony asked curiously, but Strange looked more worried while having him say it for real.

"This.. is going to take ages. Like, many ages, which might affect your life cycle and mentality."

"Ages..? You mean.. to centuries?" Tony said in surprise.

"For what you're thinking, yes." Strange nods.

"Wait, I can't do this! I-I just can't.." Tony got up from his chair, and turned facing towards the far end. "There must be a way. Like, any other way where we can prevent this? Instead of isolating me in one place to find out the answer on my own?"

"I know, but, when did I say I wasn't thinking the way like you're doing? I thought after losing my hands, I wouldn't do anything, but it gave me a chance to become what I was supposed to. You have to take a challenge for the right, Tony. This is the only way, to find that part of history which the Crimson Sorcerer mostly fears about, and about the missing entity."

Strange wasn't wrong. The fact is, Tony IS the Crimson Sorcerer. The one who can know himself better than anyone. No one else would barge in and immediately tell the past, since the entity was forged into him, and he can only find out the solution. One absolutely won't be ready in the first try, but they got to be used to it.

Tony gently turns around to the wizard, with a slightly determined expression. "How we will do this then?"

"We need to arrange a system where you can practice your magic and find your answers."

Tony raised an eyebrow. "What's it called?"

Strange opens up a dimension, as Tony looka at the man, doing a magic spell again where he gets transported to another place which reveals an abandoned throne like shrine that looked too similar for his entity. Tony was likely surprised when he explored the place.

"What.. is this place..?" Tony looked at Strange, waiting for his response.

".. this is your throne, Tony. The place where Crimson Sorcerer exists." Strange lits up his magic, and then looks at Tony, also saying to light up his magic so he can see something else new. He whirls his hands, and illuminates his magic, revealing a huge mount that was carved of him. Tony couldn't even believe it through his eyes that something would have been created of his existence as the Crimson Sorcerer - one of the most powerful entities of the history of sorcerers and witches.

"Okay.. this is quite new.. but feels weird knowing something was made for me a long back."

"This is ages old, Tony. When El Hombre created this shrine the moment he ruled the world. Something caused the thing to go silent, and now it's awoken, it's up to you to stop it before anything worse happens. Cause your destiny is attached to this world, Tony. If you didn't prevent El Hombre from taking over this planet, we'll be doomed."

"Why didn't you tell me about this before?" Tony asked the sorcerer with a concerned look.

"It was better off abandoned Tony, to you and to others. They actually thought the threat to the Crimson Sorcerer was over. But it seems like it's on a spree once more. And to bring back those memories.. you have to mediate here."

Just then, Tony had a thought and looked at Strange with the sad expression, and he too itself realised what it meant.

Meanwhile, you in the other room, taking a look at your engagement ring, smiling and imagining when will that special moment come in your life when finally you both will be together. You just hope everything will go back to normal and live a good, happy life. Suddenly, you heard the door open behind, as you turn around and see Tony, coming back to you.

"Babe!" You grinned happily and jumped over him, kissing him back too. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you looked lovingly at him. "Hmm, when did the billionaire, genius and magician remember me, huh?"

"Woah, did you just add magician to my tagline?" He replied, smirking.

"Development, Mr. Stark. Development." You smiled back.

"Of course, Mrs. Stark."

"Hey! Remember we're yet to be married, you know? Then you can call me that!"

"Okay then, how does soon-to-be Mrs. Stark sound like?" Tony raised an eyebrow.

"Better!" You smooched his cheek, and both laughed. It soon died down when Tony wanted to talk about something big now.

"Uhm, Y/N..? I wanted to talk to you about something." Tony said.

"Hm? Did Strange tell you how to find the goodness of your powers?" You replied.

"Y-yeah.. kinda like that but.. for it, I need to.. be away from.. everyone. Please, don't be sad about it but, it's for the best and.. I don't want the world to suffer because of me. Strange said.. it's.. going to take a very long damn time and.. I don't know when.. I would return back. It's.. so complicated, Y/N. I was first hesitant but, it's the only way.."

You realised that Tony would have to be apart from you again, it did break your heart, but you just let out a sigh, and gently caressed his cheek. "Look at me, Tony."

Tony looks at you with his tired, chocolate brown eyes.

"I know, it's very hard not to be upset about us being separate once again, but remember that whatever you're doing, is for a good reason. And, I can handle it, I will cry, sob, do anything. But, I'll always hope you'll come back. Back as the person I love. And want to spend the rest of my life with." You did let out a bit of tears, before leaving Tony in his own hands.

"I will miss you, once more." Your voice cracked, and it same, broke Tony's heart too. You both hugged each other, purely with love for the last time, before Tony leaving you again.

"I will miss you too." Tony sobbed, and wiped off your tears. "Take care of yourself and others, okay?"

You nod, and Tony kissed your lips again, and pulling off. You held his hand tightly, but as he began to leave, slowly the grip began to lose and your fingers lost contact with his own.

You called him one last time. "Tony!"

He stops and turns around to you, seeing you smile while shedding tears. "All the best."

Tony nods, and smiles back, and left. You wiped off your tears, ready to just face the reality. It sure was hard to be far from your lover, but knowing the situation is very complex, such sacrifice must be taken.

Back where Strange was waiting for Tony to enter into the shrine, and gives Tony an assuring look, and with that, he steps onto the throne, sitting under the circle which started rise upwards, and with that, he positions himself in a meditating pose, and closed his eyes, letting him levitate. From there, he also began using his magic to connect the spell together, and travelling his mind back in time about the history of chaos magic. The spell he used just spreads through the entire shrine, like strings, while the mask and costume forms over him.

Would Tony be able to find out the truth?

Tony Stark ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now