Trauma of the deadly kind

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3rd person POV:

Years ago, a pair of twins were born in the Zwise clan.

Rebecca and Robin.

As Zwise's, they were trained in their family's ways of Demon hunting.

Rebecca especially showed signs of natural talent, but somewhat of a lazy attitude, until her mother died.

Rebecca watched her mother die at the hands of demons.

After that they, she took the Zwise training more seriously. Even beyond what was asked of her.

Though the Zwise training was built around making their members dedicated, but Rebecca became obsessed.

Obsessed to the point she left her clan, finding them to be too laid back to "the cause".

Robin: What do you mean you're leaving?

Rebecca: I know as much as this place can teach.

Robin: So what? You're just going to go learn abroad or something?

Rebecca: Basically.

Robin: When will you come back.

Rebecca: When every demon is dead.

Robin: So never...

Rebecca: Do not underestimate me.

Robin: When you're making the clan think you're going too far, you're going too far.

Rebecca: They aren't going far enough.

Robin: Tch... You know father has been setting you up as his successor.

Rebecca: And?

Robin: And? And you're just going to throw that away? I'd kill for that!

Rebecca: Hmph. That's the reason you're inferior, Robin.

Robin: What...?

Rebecca: The reason you've been sulking in my shadow all our lives.

Rebecca: You believe status is important. That you need to be good at hunting or you have no worth.

Rebecca: You should have been focusing on how to be the best you instead of someone to beat me!

Robin: Shut up!


Robin throws a punch, which Rebecca takes without flinching.




Rebecca knocks Robin onto the ground and leaves, to establish her own way of Demon extermination.

(Opening theme)

Lilly: You...


Yn:(looks at the ceiling) Where did you come from?

Lilly: Huh? Well if it isn't my bastard brothers...

Yn: Technically you're the bastard... Or bitch... But whatever.

Rebecca: Brothers?

Yn: Right... Dad had a daughter... Her... Apparently.

Yn: I don't know the logistics. But her blood tastes funky, so it checks out.

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