The way of the Sin: part 1

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3rd person POV:

Vanny and Torasus had taken their fight miles from the Zwise camp.

Not noticing this, as she continued to battle, Vanny learned what she knew deep down.

Vanny: WHA!

Without the shock and awe of surprising her foe, she was having difficulty one-upping Torasus, especially since she knew about her deadly venom, which even if she did strike her once with it, would take months to conquer her.

Vanny: No fair! I should be a big Devil now! Why can't I beat you?

The rejected offspring and "Princess" of hell then spoke from within the guitar case Vanny still had.

Nevan:(muffled) It's because your power is wild and untamed.


Nevan:(muffled) We can all sense it... You two on a strict measurement of power, are equal.

Nevan:(muffled) That's because you waste so much energy maintaining that form.

Rudra:(muffled) Like a full bladder with holes.

Nevan:(muffled sigh)

Nevan:(muffled) In a way...

Vanny: Okay, I don't really care, just tell me how to kick butt!

Nevan:(muffled) Tch... You need to stabilize that form. You do that, you should be able to destroy her with relative ease.

Vanny: Okay, how do I do that?

Nevan:(muffled) I don't know. Not many demons skip as many steps in their evolution as you did.

Vanny: Huh... I'll figure it out.

Vanny continues to battle Torasus, using her speed to dodge and weave.

(Opening theme)

Upon learning the names of everyone in the camp, Yn neared the lake as he called Marry.

Marry:(on phone) What do you want? I was just about to go to bed?

Yn: In what? Your classic nightwear or did you buy something new while over in Italy.

Marry:(on phone/sarcastically) Completely naked actually with Suzy and Patrisha.

Yn: Ah! How you toy with my heart! (Chuckles)

Marry:(on phone) So what's this about?

Yn:(looks around)

Yn: I'm in the Zwise camp that they made just outside of town. Got them to look into the Wardens too.

Yn: Which means your trip might be halved, and you all could come back sooner.

Marry:(on phone) That's... Nice...

Yn: Tch... Is the pizza really that good that you'd hesitate?

Marry:(on phone) It's not that... I think I mentioned this before, but there is a small demon problem over here.

Marry:(on phone) Not as big as what you have over there, but it ain't something I can ignore.

Marry:(on phone) Bright side, this is giving me sway in the hunters league.

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