The weak spot

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3rd person POV:

Ever since the twist of the Demon Queen and the Sin Twins being related, Infrid had been behaving strangely to his fellow Wardens.

They of course did not know about this reveal, however ever since their trip to Lilly and the twin's father's grave, Infrid had been staying by the demon queen's side.

Willingly, no commands were given to him to pamper and stay near Lilly, he did it all voluntarily.

Lilly absolutely loved his pampering, so she had no complaints, yet she herself didn't know why he was acting this way.

Not liking this at all, and even fearing he was being possessed, his sister, Simonsa, the first opportunity she got, confronted Infrid in the hallway as he went to get something for Lilly.

Simonsa; I won't stand for this.

Simonsa: Something has happened and I want to know what, because you seem genuinely wanting to serve that tyrant!


Simonsa: Tell me, who side are you on? Her or your Wardens?

Infrid: Neither.


He spoke for the first time in many centuries. His voice was firm and commanding.

Infrid: From the very beginning, I made myself clear. My master's comes before anyone else.

Simonsa: And what does he have to do with serving that monster?

Infrid: This is only temporary. I'll be leaving soon enough.

Simonsa: Leaving? To where?

Infrid: To repay a small amount of my debt.

That is all he said as he made his way back to Lilly.

(Opening theme)

Yn was training with Vanny who used Spark and Shade to "boost" her as The Crimson Sin used his Devil Weapons, minus Nevan, who was coaching the snake demon.

Vanny was training to sharpen her skill, and Yn was trying to find an edge against the Warden-level threats.

Though he did have the energy, he did not have the power, which was made more and more clear as he had his sparring match.

Thanks to Vanny consuming a lot of highly enchanted blood, and using the devil trigger alongside a sin belt, Vanny skipped thousands of years of surviving to become a Warden+ level fighter.

Perhaps not capable of taking them all down single-handedly, but definitely capable of taking one of them at a time.

Yn had a lot of spunk, the means to harm them, to block their attacks and keep up with them, but he lacked that raw power to finish them without help.

Like a blade versus a power saw. They both had the same potential, but one lacked the umph the other had.

Nevan: I believe that's enough.


"Party's Over...?"

Yn: Come on! What are you talking about? It was just getting good!

Nevan: It's not the greatest idea to waste our demonic power.

Spark: Yeah...(pant)... At this rate, we'll be ash before next month.

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