Chapter 6

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Veera opens his eyes as sunlight falls on his face. He rubs his eyes gently and yawns. He looks cute in his messy morning hair. He slowly gets up from his bed and starts off with his morning routine. After taking bath, he puts on his uniform and gets ready for his classes. He picks up his bag, mobile phone and his bike keys and starts to walk downstairs to greet his parents. As he was having his breakfast, his phone beeps. He picks his phone to check the message and his eyes goes big seeing Tanet's message.

Tanet: Goodmorning P.

Veera: Goodmorning

Tanet: Do you have class in the morning?

Veera: Hmm

Tanet: Do you want me to pick you?

Veera: No. I will come on my scooter.

Tanet: Okay. I will wait for you.

Veera: Okay

Veera's mom: Why are you smiling looking at your phone? Who are you chatting with?

Veera: It's my junior mom.

Veera's mom: Junior or someone special

Veera: Mom

Veera blushes on hearing his mom's comments. His parents starts laughing on seeing his red face.

Veera's dad: Mom and dad are eager to meet this someone who is making our son blush like this.

Veera: Dad

Veera quickly haves his breakfast and rushes out of the house. He gets on his scooter and rides off to the university.

Veera reaches the parking lot of the university and is surprised to see Tanet waiting for him there. He parks his scooter and walks towards him.

Veera: Hi

Tanet: Hello PVee

Veera: What are you doing here?

Tanet: I am waiting for you.

Veera: Why? Do you need any help?

Tanet: No. You said you will show me the rest of the university today.

Veera: Oh! Can we do it in the afternoon? I have important lectures in the first 2 hours.

Tanet: Sure.

Veera: Do you have class in the morning?

Tanet: Hmm

Veera: Then let me take you to your class.

Tanet: Okay

They both walk into their faculty building together. Veera felt a bit nervous as all the students are watching them curiously. He isn't used to this kind of attention and it is making him nervous. Suddenly he felt someone's hand on his shoulder. He turned to his side and is surprised to see Tanet's hand wrapped around his shoulder.

Tanet: P

Veera: Hmm

Tanet: Are you nervous?

Veera: Hmm

Tanet: Why? Do I make you nervous?

Veera: No. I....I am not used to so much attention.

Tanet: Why? You are so cute. I am sure there are so many people who approach you or flirt with you.

Veera just shakes his head in no.

Veera: They call me nerd. I am sure everyone is thinking why a popular guy like you is walking with me.

Tanet: You can't be serious. You are so cute that I feel like pulling your cheeks and cuddling with you.

Veera's face and ears turn red hearing Tanet's words. He looks away, trying to hide his blushing face from Tanet.

Tanet: You look so cute blushing like that P.

Veera just keeps quite and walks away from there quickly.

Tanet: P, wait for me na.

Tanet runs behind Veera. Soon they reach Tanet's class.

Veera: This is your class.

Veera looks inside and waves his hand at someone. Two guys get up from their seats and walk towards them.

Veera: Tanet, this is Ohm and Fong, your classmates. They will help you with your pending notes and assignments.

Tanet: Hi

Ohm: Hi

Fong: Hey. If you need any help, you can ask us.

Tanet: Thanks

Veera: Then, I will leave you with them. I need to go now as my class starts in 10 minutes.

Tanet: Okay. I will meet you for lunch.

Veera: Hmm

Veera quickly walks away from there while Tanet gets into his class along with Ohm and Fong. The rest of the morning goes without any events. Soon it's time for lunch. Tanet somehow manage to get to the cafeteria for lunch. He sits at a table far away from the crowd and waits for Veera. His phone beeps and a smile appears on his face as he sees Veera's message.

Veera: Where are you?

Tanet looks around and sees Veera standing at the entrance. He waves his hand and it catches Veera's attention. He walks towards him with a smile.

Veera: Hey

Tanet: Hi P

Veera: Do you want to have lunch before going for a tour of the campus?

Tanet: Hmm. Let me get lunch for both of us.

Veera: No, let me do it. I don't want you to be mobed by your fans.

Tanet: Okay

Veera: What do you want to eat?

Tanet: Anything is fine.

Veera: Okay

Tanet plays on his phone while Veera gets his lunch. His attention is diverted from the phone when a plate is pushed before him. He looks at the food on the plate and stares at Veera in surprise.

Tanet: How do you know this is my favorite food?Are you my fan PVee?

Veera looks a bit flustered on hearing Tanet's question. He just nods his head slightly but does not say anything.

Tanet: Wow!!! I am really excited to know that you follow my work. Which is your favorite movie of mine?

Veera: I..I like all your movie but your debut movie is my all time favorite. You were really cute in that movie. Your smile in that movie is so genuine and bright that it lights up the room. I..

Veera suddenly realizes that he is blurting out everything in his heart without thinking. He clamps his hand over his mouth shocked by the way he was speaking before Tanet. He looks at Tanet with a wide eye and was surprised to see a smile on his face.

Tanet: Why did you stop? I like hearing you say good things about me.

Veera: Let's eat before the food gets cold.

Veera tries to divert the topic and Tanet laughs seeing Veera's flustered face.

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