Chapter 25

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Tanet woke up to his alarm ringing continuously. He looks at his alarm and gets up with a start.

Tanet: Shit, it's 8 am. I need to pick PVee.

He rushes to the washroom and finishes his morning routine. He then opens his wardrobe and looks at all the clothes in there. He then starts picking them one by one.

Tanet: No, this is too formal, this looks too casual, this is too boring, too bright, too tacky, looks like wedding dress...

He throws all the clothes on the bed and then sits on the ground unable to decide.

Tanet: I need to look presentable. PVee's parents need to feel I am responsible and it's okay to send their son to live with me.

He finally selects a light blue shirt and black pants. He gets dressed and looks in the mirror.

Tanet: Hmm, looks okay

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Tanet: Hmm, looks okay.

Tanet quickly gets his car keys and wallet and leaves for Veera's house.

Outside Veera's house:

Tanet checks himself once more before ringing the bell. He is surprised when Waan opens the door. He looks at her nervously.

Tanet: H...Hi

Waan: Hello PTanet. Please come in.

Tanet enters the house and walks into the living room. He sees Veera's parents in the living room.

Tanet: Goodmorning Uncle. Goodmorning Aunty.

Veera's dad: Goodmorning Son. Please sit down.

Tanet: Thank you.

Tanet takes a seat and looks around nervously. He looks at Waan who was looking at him with a smirk.

Veera's mom: Waan, go tell your brother that Tanet is here.

Waan: Yes mom.

Waan walks upstairs to call Veera while Veera's mom serves tea to Tanet and Veera's dad. Tanet hears someone coming down the stairs. He looks towards the stairs and finds Veera walking down towards him with a smile.

Veera: Hey

Tanet: Hey

Veera: You are early.

Tanet: You have afternoon class. So I thought we can move all your things in the morning.

Veera: Hmm. I have packed everything.

Tanet looks at Veera's parents.

Tanet: Uncle, Aunty, I know you don't know me for a long time but I assure you that I will take care of PVee. I will not hurt him or cause him any pain. I hope you are okay with him living with me.

Veera's dad: We trust our son's judgment. He said you are a good person and he loves you. So we are Okay with him moving in with you as long as he is happy.

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