Chapter 21

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Tanet walked out of the room clenching his hands. He wanted to get away from there before he did something he will regret. He walked out of the hall and climbed the stairs to the rooftop. He reached the rooftop and stood by the railings looking at the city sprawled before him.

Tanet could not believe that he almost lost his control earlier today. Veera is his costar,  mentor and a good friend. Most of his relationships after his first love had been just physical and no emotional attachment. He didn't want that with Veera because he respected him. He wanted to sort out his feelings before he accepted Veera's confession. He never wanted Veera to be his rebound. He made up his mind to stay professional with Veera until he sort out his feelings. As he stood there lost in his thoughts, his phone starts to ring. It is Rune.

Tanet: Hello

Rune: Where are you? It's your turn to perform.

Tanet: I am coming.

Tanet disconnects the call and then puts on his poker face and walks down towards the rehearsal hall. As he walks in, he saw Tanet standing there talking to Rune. Tanet sees him and smile but he keeps his poker face on. The smile disappears from Veera's face and he starts walking towards him. Tanet shouts at Rune before Veera could say anything.

Tanet: Rune, let's start. I have to attend an event at 5pm. Let's get this done quickly.

Tanet and Veera takes their position and starts performing on hearing the word action. Once the scene is over, everyone applauds their performance.

Rune: Well done Veera. You are a pro. Keep up the good work.

Veera: Thank you.

Tanet:  If that's all, can I leave?

Rune: Hmm

Tanet: Daw, please leave PVeera home and come to the event. I need to leave now.

Daw: Okay

Tanet walks out of there without even saying goodbye. Veera is shocked and hurt by Tanet's behavior. Veera goes home along with Daw. That day Tanet neither calls nor sends messages to Veera. Veera tried to call Tanet but he does not answer his calls. Veera decides to talk to him the next day.

Next day morning Veera is surprised to see Daw waiting outside his house.

Daw: Goodmorning

Veera: Goodmorning P. Tanet?

Daw: He said he has some work to complete.

Veera: Okay.

Veera reaches the studio but Tanet is still missing. He comes in just 2 minutes before the workshop starts. He does not say hi or look at Veera. He sat in one corner reading his script. Veera noticed that he is talking and joking with everyone else except him.

Veera(in mind): May be he regrets the kiss. He must be thinking I would expect him to accept my love because he kissed me. May be he really thinks I am a gold digger.

Veera could feel a pain in his chest as all these negative thoughts went through his mind. He was brought back from his thoughts by Rune's voice.

Rune: Veera, Tanet, Let's do this break up scene.

Veera and Tanet took their position. In the scene Tanet's character breaks up with Veera's character thinking Veera is in love with Tu but staying with Tanet due to his friendship.

Aroon: Atid, let's break up.

Atid: Aroon

Aroon: I don't love you anymore Atid. I mistook our friendship for love but now that I have found my true love, I no longer want to be with you.

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