Chapter 27

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Tanet: You are leaving...

Tanet looks at Veera who is sitting on couch looking at him with an unreadable expression.

Tanet: So, this is how it's going to be. If you don't want to talk to me, why wait till I come back home. You could have just left.

Veera: I...

Tanet: What did I do wrong P? Why do everyone leave me? Why do no one love me?

Veera: Tanet

Tanet: You decided to leave right, then leave. I don't want anyone in my life.

Veera: Tanet

Tanet: Just leave.

Tanet walks into the bedroom without looking at Veera. He goes and sits on his bed. He pulls his knees up and puts his head on his knees and sobs. He looks up on feeling someone's presence in the room and he sees Veera standing before him.

Tanet: What are you doing here?

Veera: I came to take my clothes.

Tanet: Huh

Veera goes and opens the wardrobe. Tanet is surprised to see Veera's clothes stacked neatly in the wardrobe. He looks at the suitcase next to Veera.

Tanet: Then, what's in the suitcase.

Veera: It's empty.

Tanet: Huh

Veera: After arranging the clothes in the wardrobe, I took out the suitcase to find a place to put it. But since you have asked me to leave, I came to pack all my clothes back into the suitcase.

Veera says this and goes to the wardrobe to get his clothes while Tanet just sits there in shock.

Veera was about to take his clothes of the rack when he felt someone hugging him from back.

"Please don't leave me."

Veera takes in a deep breath and then slowly turns around without breaking the hug. He looks into Tanet's tear filled eyes.

Tanet: I am sorry P. Please don't leave me. I love you so much that I cannot live without you.

Veera: Say it once more.

Tanet: Huh

Veera: Say that you love me once again.

Tanet: I love you. I love you so much.

Veera holds Tanet's nape and pulls him forward in a harsh kiss. A moan escapes Tanet's mouth as Veera bites his lips drawing blood.

Veera: I love you too. I am never leaving you until you ask me to.

Tanet: Then you are stuck with me forever.

Veera: I am happy to be yours forever.

Tanet: P, About Film...

Veera: I know.

Tanet: Huh

Veera: I won't lie to you Tanet but when I saw you hug Film, I did think of leaving you.

Tanet looks at Veera in shock. Veera quickly holds Tanet's face and looks into his eyes.

Veera: It's not because I don't love you Tanet. I love you so much that I want you to be happy. Film is your first love and you never once told me you love me, so I decided to back off if you are happy with her.

Tanet looks at Veera with tears in her eyes.

Veera: But then I realized that I should not be taking a one sided decision. We are both involved in this and I need to hear what you had to say. So I came home and waited for you. Just before you came, Rune called me to say that I have misunderstood the situation between you and Film and I need to give you a chance. He asked me to listen to your explanation.

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