Chapter 24

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Tanet and Veera skipped classes as they are really tired. They spend the day cuddling with each other and watching some movies. Soon it is evening and Tanet has to take Veera back home. They both get ready and leave for Veera's house.

Outside Veera's house:

Tanet and Veera has been sitting in Tanet's car for last 10 minutes. Neither of them wanted to go away from each other and thought of reasons to stay back.

Tanet: P

Veera: Hmm

Tanet: I know it's a little fast but would you like to move in with me?

Veera: I...

Tanet: If you are not ready, it's okay. I can wait.

Veera: I need to tell my parents about us. Then I will move in with you.

Tanet looks at Veera with a huge smile on hearing that. He hugs him tight.

Tanet: Thank you. Thank you so much P.

Veera: Hmm. I need to go now.

Tanet: Take care P. I will see you tomorrow.

Veera: Hmm

Veera places a quick kiss on Tanet's lips and gets out of the car. Tanet looks at Veera with a smile until he gets into his house. He then drives away from there.

Veera walks into his house and he is surprised to see his sister standing in the hall smiling at him.

Veera: Waan

Waan: P

Veera hugs his sister and a broad smile appears on his face.

Veera: How come you are here on a Monday?

Waan: I took a few days leaves. I missed you.

Veera: You missed me or you missed Rune?

Waan: Peeee

Veera: Okay, okay, I missed you too my sis.

Waan: Hmm. You look really happy and you are glowing. What is the secret?

Veera: Nothing.

Waan: Let me guess. Hmm....PTanet.

Veera: Waan

Waan starts laughing looking at Veera blushing face.

Waan: I am happy for you P.

Veera: Thank you.

Waan: So, when do I get to meet your so called boyfriend?

Veera: We haven't made it official as yet.

Waan: Why?

Veera takes Waan to his room and then tells her everything about Tanet and his past.

Waan: Hmm, I feel bad for PTanet. His heart was broken by someone close to him. I understand first love is hard to forget but P, you cannot be in an unnamed relationship. You both need to talk to each other and decide what you want to be to each other.

Veera: I know what I want Waan. I want to be part of his life. I want to be his support, his strength, his go to person. I want to be him.

Waan: P, you are in love with him.

Veera: Hmm. I love him. I love him so much.

Waan: What if he cannot make a decision?

Veera: I will still love him Waan. I will wait for him till he says he doesn't love me and don't want me in his life.

Waan: This wait is going to hurt you P.

Veera: It hurts more to stay away from him.

Waan: I will pray for you both to find true love in each other.

Veera: Thank you na.

Veera hugs his sister tight.

Waan: Now, let's go have dinner. Mom and dad must be waiting for us.

Veera: Hmm

Veera freshen up and then leave with Waan to have dinner.

At the dinner table:

Veera: Mom, dad, I want to tell you something.

Veera's dad: We are listening.

Veera: I.. I like Tanet. I am in love with him.

Veera's dad: What about him?

Veera: He is coming through. He had a bad experience in the past but he is trying to get through without hurting me.

Veera's dad: Hmm.

Veera: He asked me to move in with him.

Veera's dad: I don't have any issues with your choice until you are happy. I don't want you be anyone's rebound.

Veera: He told me the same dad. He is holding himself back because he don't want me to be his rebound. He cares for me and wants me to be happy. I am happy when I am with him. I want to give us a chance.

Veera's dad: He is a good kid and I know he cares for you a lot. You can move in with him but remember, if things go bad, you have us to take care of you.

Veera: Thank you dad,mom. I love you.

Veera's mom: We love you too baby.

After dinner Veera went back to his room. As he enters the room, he hears his phone ringing. He runs and picks his phone. It is Tanet calling him. He answers the call.

Veera: Hello

Tanet: Hello P.

Veera: Are you home?

Tanet: Hmm. I miss you. It feels lonely without you.

Veera: Then pick me up tomorrow morning. I will pack my bags and be ready.

Tanet: Huh

Veera: I am moving in with you tomorrow.

Tanet laughs out loud in happiness.

Tanet: Wow, I am so happy.

Veera: I spoke to dad and mom. They said they are okay with moving if I am happy.

Tanet: You will not regret it P. I will make you are happy.

Veera: I know. I am always happy when I am with you.

Tanet: I will see you tomorrow morning.

Veera: I will be waiting for you.

Tanet: Goodnight PVee

Veera: Goodnight.

They both went to bed with a smile on their face, dreaming about tomorrow.

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