Chapter 22

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Tanet gets into his car and drives off to Veera's house. He thought about what he need to say to Veera throughout the drive but goes blank as he stands outside Veera's house. He is nervous and fidgeting with his hands. Finally he gathers all his courage and rings the doorbell. Veera's mom opens the door.

Veera's mom: Oh, Tanet.

Tanet: Hello Aunty. Is PVeera home?

Veera's mom: Hmm. He said he is not feeling well and went to his room.

Tanet: Can I meet him?

Veera's mom: Sure. Please come in.

Tanet walks into the house.

Veera's mom: You can go to his room. I will bring something for you to eat.

Tanet: Thank you Aunty.

Tanet climbs the stairs and walks towards Veera's room. He stands outside the room and takes in a deep breath. He then knocks on the door but does not receive any reply. He tries the handle and the door opens. He walks into the room and finds Veera sleeping on the bed. He walks closer to him and is shocked to see tear streaks on his face. He is holding something in his hand while sleeping. Tanet takes that piece of paper and is surprised to see that it is a photo of him that he is holding. That's when his eyes falls on all the photos of him lying on the bed beside Veera. As he looked at them, he realized that Veera has collected his photos from his school days to the latest ones taken recently. As he goes through all the things Veera has collected related to him, his eyes fill with tears.


Tanet turns his head to see a sleepy Veera looking at him. His eyes are swollen as if he has been crying for a long time.

Veera: Tanet, what are you doing here?

Tanet: I...

Veera's eyes fall on the photos in Tanet's hands. He quickly snatches them from him.

Veera: I.. I just collected them like other fans. I..

Tanet: I am sorry.

Veera: For what?

Tanet: I am sorry for being a dick. I am sorry for ignoring you and hurting you.

Veera: It's Okay Tanet. I know you are a professional and kissing a costar does not mean anything to you. I don't want you to think that just because you kissed me, I expect you to accept my love. I don't want to burden you or make you uncomfortable with my feelings. If I have fallen in love with you and you don't feel the same, it's my problem and I need to deal with it. But I have a request, please don't ignore me. It hurts, it hurts so bad.

A tear drops from his eyes.

Tanet: Do you really think I ignored you because I don't feel anything?

Veera: Huh

Tanet: No, I ignored you because I feel too much that I cannot keep my hands off you. Every time I am near you, I just want to kiss you, hug you and make you mine. Yesterday when I kissed you, I just wanted to whisk you away from there and make love to you. My physical need for you is so strong that I think I may hurt you.

Veera: Tanet

Tanet: After being rejected by Film, I had couple of guys and girls come into my life but they were all just one night stands. They were just replacements for my failure in love. I don't want you to be a rebound in my life PVee. You are too precious to be anyone's replacement. I just wanted to be sure of my feelings before I accept you.

Veera: Are you sure now?

Tanet nods his head.

Tanet: Last 24hrs ignoring you and not talking to you has been a living hell for me. I felt like I am dying every second being away from you. I just wanted to hold you, kiss you and love you.

Veera: So, what is stopping you now?

Veera stands before Tanet with his arms held open for a hug. Tanet jumps from the bed and hugs him tight.

Tanet: I missed you P. I missed you so much. I am never letting you away from my sight ever again.

Veera: I missed you too.

Tanet lets go of Veera and looks into his eyes holding his hands.

Tanet: PVee

Veera: Hmm

Tanet: Can I kiss you?

Veera nods his head.

Tanet smashes their lips together and they have a hot and searing kissing session. They let go off each other's lips after a long time as they are out of breath.

Tanet: P

Veera looks at Tanet with glazed eyes and swollen pink lips. He was breathing harshly and his hands still clenched Tanet's shirt to steady himself.

Tanet: Come with me.

Veera: Huh

Tanet: Stay with me tonight.

Veera looks down blushing but he nods his head in Yes. Tanet holds Veera's hand and walks out of the room. They climb down the stairs and walk into the dining room where Veera's mom is arranging the food on the table.

Tanet: Aunty

Veera's mom: Hmm

Tanet: Is it okay if I take PVee with me tonight?

Veera's mom looks at Veera who is standing next to him with his head hung low. She could see the tear streaks on his face.

Veera's mom: I don't know what's going on between you two but I don't want to see tears in my son's eyes. If he is happy staying with you, you can take him with you.

Veera's mom looks at Veera.

Veera's mom: Veera?

Veera: I would like to go with him mom.

Veera's mom: Then wash your face and get dressed. Have dinner before you leave.

Veera freshen up and wears new set of clothes. They have their dinner and leaves for Tanet's house.

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