Chapter 2

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A young man in his twenties is sitting on his bed arranging post cards and posters of his idol Tanet Wang. A smile appears on his face as he stares at his precious collection.

Boy: How can you be cute and sexy at the same time? I wish I could be at least  half as good looking as you.

The boy stands up from his bed and walks towards the mirror in his room. He stares at his reflection and murmurs.

Boy: Hmm. You may not be as handsome as my Tanet but you are cute.

 You may not be as handsome as my Tanet but you are cute

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Boy: Shit, Mom is calling.

He quickly collects all his posters and dump it under his bed. He then runs downstairs to the kitchen.

Veera: Mom

Veera's mom looks at him and smiles.

Veera's mom: Oh, you are here. Your dad just called. He is swarmed with customers and he is short of staff today. Can you help him in his bakery?

Veera: Sure. I will go there now.

Veera's mom: Thanks baby.

Veera: No problem mom.

Veera quickly changes into jeans and hoodie and rushes to his dad's bakery down the road. He greets everyone with a smile as he runs down the road.
He is shocked to see a long queue outside the bakery as he walks down the road. He quickly runs down the side lane and enters the bakery through the back door.

Veera: Hi everyone

Everyone in the kitchen looks at Veera and a smile appears on their face.

Mike: Hello goofball. What are doing here at this time?

Veera: Hello PMike. Mom said you are short of staff, so I came to help.

Mike: Great. Go and take care of the cash counter. Your father is handling it right now.

Veera: Okay

Veera rushes out of the kitchen towards the front of the bakery where the cash counter is located.

Veera: Hi Dad

Veera's dad: Hey, Thank God you are here. Please handle the cash counter. I need to get back to the kitchen.

Veera: Okay dad.

Veera takes over the cash counter. He greets the customers and takes their order. He was busy calling out the order to kitchen staff that he didn't notice a familiar figure standing before him.

"Hi Cutie"

Veera's face turn red as the customer looks at him with a smirk on his face.

Veera: May I take your order please?

Customer: 1 coffee with you.

Veera: Huh

Customer: I would like to have a coffee with you.

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