Chapter 14

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After the event, Tanet informs Daw that he will drop Veera at his house. Tanet and Veera waves goodbye to all the fans waiting for them in the parking lot and gets into the car and drives away from there. Tanet was silent throughout the journey and this made Veera nervous. He is not used to this silent and serious Tanet. Veera decides to end this silence and talk.

Veera: Tanet

Tanet: Hmm

Veera: Are you okay? Are you angry with me?

Tanet does not say anything and keeps driving.

Veera: I...Did I do anything wrong?

Tanet still keeps silence and drives forward. After that both of them does not say anything and the journey continues. After going a short distance, Tanet parks the car on the side of the road and then removes his seatbelt. He then turns to his side to look at Veera. Veera is sitting still looking outside.

Tanet: P

Veera does not say anything and just keeps looking outside.

Tanet: P, I am sorry. Please don't be angry. Let's talk.

Veera does not turn around or look at Tanet. Tanet holds his shoulder and turns him around forcefully. Tanet is shocked to see the scene before him. Veera's eyes are filled with tears and there are tears streaks on his face as if he has been crying for some time.

Tanet: P..Why are you crying ? Are you hurt somewhere? Did something happen?

Tears starts falling down Veera's eyes and Tanet's heart broke seeing him like that.

Veera: Why..Why did you not talk to me? I.. I was afraid you are angry with me. I..

Tanet quickly holds Veera's face in his hand and wipes the tears using his thumb.

Tanet: P, I am not angry with you. I.... I am feeling jealous.

Veera: Huh

Tanet: Today, you looked so handsome that everyone's eyes were on you. I felt jealous and possessive when everyone were ogling at you. I...

Veera looks at Tanet in shock.

Veera: You are jealous. Why? I.. I am a nobody. Why would you be jealous of me?

Tanet looks at Veera and laughs.

Tanet: Do you think I am jealous of your looks? Just look at this.

Tanet shows something on his phone and Veera is shocked to see fanpages launched in his name.

Veera: What..What is this?

Tanet: You are famous now P. There are thousands of people following you and that's  why I am jealous that people are staring at what is supposed to be mine. I am a very possessive person P. I hate the idea of sharing you with others. I..

This time Veera was the one who held Tanet's face in his hands and looked into his eyes.

Veera: I may be an actor now. I may have thousands of people following me but I... I will always be your fan. You don't have to feel jealous Tanet, I will always be your PVee no matter what happens in our life.

Tanet: Promise?

Veera: Promise.

A smile appears on Tanet's face as he looks at Veera.

Veera: Let's go home now.

Tanet: Okay

Tanet puts on the seatbelt and starts the car. They then drives off to Veera's house. Soon they reach Tanet's house. Veera stops his car in front of Tanet's house and turns off his engine. They both sit there in silence hesitating to say what is going on in their mind.

Tanet/Veera: P/Tanet

They look at each other and laugh.

Tanet: You go first P. What were you going to say?

Veera: I..Do you want to come inside for coffee?

Tanet nods his head in Yes.

Veera: Okay, let's go inside.

Veera and Tanet enters the house and they are greeted by Veera's mom and dad. They all sit down over a cup of coffee and share all the details of their event. Tanet also showed them all the photos taken by their fans and event management team. Veera's dad and mom are really happy seeing their son's successful entry into a new field.

After some time, Tanet says goodbye to everyone and walks out of the house. Veera follows him outside to send him home. Tanet stood by his car looking at Veera.

Veera: Oh, earlier you wanted to say something. What was it?

Tanet: I... I..

Veera looks at him curiously as he stammers standing before him.


Veera: Huh

Tanet: P...Would you like to come to my house after class tomorrow? I mean I have been to your house many times but you have never visited mine. So..

Veera smiles seeing an anxious looking Tanet.

Veera: Okay

Tanet: Huh

Veera: Let's go to your house tomorrow.

Tanet: Really?

Veera: Hmm

Tanet: Thank you. Thank you so much P.

He kisses Veera on his cheek and runs away from there to get into hisdcar. He waves his hand in goodbye and drives away from there.

Veera: Idiot

Veera smiles and walks back to his house.


Sorry for the delay my dear friends. I was busy preparing cake for my mom's birthday.

Here's my cake as my apology.

Here's my cake as my apology

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Enjoy 😜

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