Chapter 26

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Tanet: Film

The girl looks at him and smiles.

Film: Hi Tanet

Tanet could not believe his eyes. After all these years when he started to move on, she is back in his life. He looks at her walk towards him with a smile. As she tries to hug him, he steps back avoiding her. He could see pain flash in her eyes for a second but soon it was replaced by a smile.

Veera is watching the scene before him with a blank expression. Film, he has heard that name somewhere but could not remember. He looks at Tanet in concern as he seem to go pale seeing her.

Film: Tanet, It's so nice to see you after a long time. We haven't met since last year of school. How are you?

Tanet: What are you doing here Film?

Film: I...

Tanet looks her with a blank expression and then looks at Rune who is fidgeting with his hands.

Tanet: Rune, what is she doing here? Did you call her here? Why did you call me?

Rune: Tanet, please calm down.  Just listen to what she has to say.

Tanet: No, I don't want to. I opened my heart to her once and she trampled on it. I don't want to see her or listen to her.

Film: Tanet, please.

Veera suddenly remembers where he heard that name. Film, Tanet's first love, the girl who rejected him. He looks at Film and she has tears in her eyes. She seem to really care for Tanet. He looks at Tanet and he is agitated and restless. He quickly held his hand and Tanet looks at him.

Veera: Tanet, please calm down.

Tanet looks at Veera's eyes and his heartbeats start to go normal. He feels calm.

Tanet: P, let's go from here.

Rune: Tanet please listen to her once. Veera..

Rune looks at Veera with a pleading eyes.

Veera makes Tanet sit on the couch and takes his hands into his hands.

Veera: Tanet, I know you are uncomfortable but just listen to her once. What she did in the past is wrong but she deserves a chance to explain what was on her mind. If you don't trust her, trust Rune. He won't do anything to hurt you. Talk to her.

Tanet looks at Veera and takes a deep breathe.

Tanet: Okay. I will talk to her for Rune, for you.

Veera: Hmm

Suddenly Veera's phone rings and it is Waan calling him. He looks at Tanet who looks nervous.

Veera: I need to take this call. You talk to her peacefully. I will come back soon.

Tanet: Hmm

Veera: Rune..

Rune: I will take care of him P.

Veera nods his head and walks out of the condo to answer his call.

Inside the condo, Tanet, Film and Rune look at each other awkwardly.

Tanet: Film, tell me what you want to say. I am listening.

Film: Tanet..I...I love you. I have always loved you.

Tanet looks at Film in shock as he processes what she said.

Meanwhile, outside the condo Veera is on a call with Waan.

Veera: Hello Waan

Waan: Where are you P?

Veera: I am at Rune's house.

Waan: Oh, are you there for work?

Veera: No, Rune wanted to see Tanet for something.

Waan: Is this about Film?

Veera: How..How do you know?

Waan: Rune told me. Is Tanet with her?

Veera: Hmm

Waan: Why would you do something so stupid P? She had her chance. Now he is yours.

Veera: Waan, calm down. I love him but he never told me he loves me.

Waan: But P..

Veera: Waan, if he is mine, no one will be able to take him away me but he is not, nothing can bind him to me. His heart needs to decide who he wants to be with. We cannot force anyone to love us Waan.

Waan sighs on the other end of the phone.

Waan: Why are you so nice P? You are going to get hurt because of your kind nature.

Veera laughs hearing his sister cribbing.

Veera: Whatever happens, I always have you with me. Your love will heal me Waan.

Waan: P, I am always there for you. Take care.

Veera: Hmm. I will call you later. Bye.

Waan: Bye.

Veera ends the call and walks back to Rune's condo. As he stands at the door, he sees Tanet hugging Film. Both of them has tears in their eyes. Eventhough Veera had prepared himself for this day, it still hurt him.

Veera: I guess he made his choice. I am happy for him.

He wipes the stray tear that comes off his eyes and walks out of the building. He catches a cab and goes away from there.

Meanwhile inside the condo, Tanet is restless as Veera hasn't returned as yet. He tried calling him but his phone is switched off.

Tanet: Where is he? His phone is switched off.

Rune: He might be outside. Let's go and check.

Rune and Tanet checks outside the building but Veera is nowhere to be found. Rune goes to the security at the gate and shows him Veera's photo.

Rune: Have you seen this guy?

Security: He left in a cab 10 minutes back.

Tanet: What? Why could he leave without telling me?

Rune: Don't panic Tanet. Something urgent might have come up.

Tanet: But why is his phone switched off.

Then something strikes in his mind. He looks at Rune in horror.

Tanet: Did he see me and Film hug and..

Rune: No, he knows you love him. Why would he..

Tanet just nods his head.

Tanet: I never told him.

Rune: What?

Tanet: I never told him I love him.

Rune: Tanet

Tanet: I was scared. I was scared to get my heart broken again. I..

Rune: Go, find him Tanet. Find him before It's too late.

Tanet gets into his car and drives away from there. Tanet searches for him in the college. He calls Waan but Veera hasn't reached home. He checks other places where he possibly could go but did not find Veera. He finally return to his condo dejected.

Tanet enters his condo and walks into the living room with his head hanging low.


Tanet raises his head in shock on hearing Veera's voice. A smile appears on his face as he sees Veera sitting on the couch but the smile disappears as his eyes falls on the suitcase next to him.

Tanet: You are leaving...

Veera and Tanet look at each other without saying anything.

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